Color 09
ReferenceMARAIS 09
CollectionLAND ART
Width Repeat67.00
Length Repeat71.00
Size136 cm
Composition37%LI 25%PES 22%PAN 16%CV
stdClass Object
    [sync_id] => 351
    [lang] => en
    [product_id] => 189059
    [type_id] => 6
    [brand_id] => 5
    [brand_name] => LIZZO
    [collection_id] => 203201
    [description] => MARAIS 09
    [slug] => marais/09/SKU-189059
    [description_large] => Marais is the iconic fabric of this collection, inspired by the contour lines of maps, with sinuous shapes that have no beginning and no ending. It is a semi-gloss jacquard fabric that plays with the volumes of the pattern and the background, with five colour combinations: two of them more intense and three subtler, designed for decorative and curtain use.
    [image] => JPG 1200/LAND ART/MARAIS-09.jpg
    [miniature] => JPG/LAND ART/MARAIS-09.jpg
    [images] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                    [image] => JPG 1200/LAND ART/MARAIS-09.jpg
                    [miniature] => JPG/LAND ART/MARAIS-09.jpg

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [lifestyle_id] => 4176
                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_12.jpg
                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_12.jpg

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [lifestyle_id] => 4177
                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_16.jpg
                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_16.jpg

            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [lifestyle_id] => 4178
                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_19.jpg
                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_19.jpg

            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [lifestyle_id] => 4179
                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_4.jpg
                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_4.jpg

            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [lifestyle_id] => 4180
                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_9.jpg
                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_9.jpg


    [ean] => 8400001890594
    [color] => 09
    [size] => 136 cm
    [sizes] => null
    [raportv] => 67.00
    [raporth] => 71.00
    [weight] => 250
    [avg_roll] => 37.00
    [allow_decimals] => 1
    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 114
            [simcarasc] => r
            [simcar] => r
            [description_es] => No Lavar
            [simtipo] => 1
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
            [description_en] => Do not wash
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
            [description] => Do not wash

    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 112
            [simcarasc] => p
            [simcar] => p
            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
            [simtipo] => 2
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
            [description_en] => Do not bleach
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
            [description] => Do not bleach

    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 53
            [simcarasc] => 5
            [simcar] => 5
            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Media
            [simtipo] => 3
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
            [description_en] => Medium iron max. 150º C
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
            [description] => Medium iron max. 150º C

    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 183
            [simcarasc] => ·
            [simcar] => ·
            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
            [simtipo] => 4
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 115
            [simcarasc] => s
            [simcar] => s
            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
            [simtipo] => 5
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
            [description] => Do not tumble dry

    [artSL_centrifugado] => 
    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
    [artSL_Luz] => 
    [artSL_Pelable] => 
    [artSL_Rapport] => 
    [artSL_fuego] => 
    [artSL_encolado1] => 
    [artSL_encolado2] => 
    [measure] => m
    [distribuido] => 
    [alternative_id] => 
    [composition] => 37%LI 25%PES 22%PAN 16%CV
    [status] => VI
    [sample] => 
    [reference] => 
    [memo_article_id] => 
    [codFT] => 14208
    [custom_tariff] => 53091910
    [no_image] => 
    [variants] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 152426
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 999999
                    [description] => JAKU 19
                    [slug] => jaku/19/SKU-152426
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => JPG 1200/SENSEI/JAKU-19.jpg
                    [miniature] => JPG/SENSEI/JAKU-19.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => JPG 1200/SENSEI/JAKU-19.jpg
                                    [miniature] => JPG/SENSEI/JAKU-19.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001524260
                    [color] => 19
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 225
                    [avg_roll] => 45.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 114
                            [simcarasc] => r
                            [simcar] => r
                            [description_es] => No Lavar
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not wash
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not wash

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 53
                            [simcarasc] => 5
                            [simcar] => 5
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Media
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description_en] => Medium iron max. 150º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description] => Medium iron max. 150º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
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                    [status] => DI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
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                            [0] => 146303
                            [1] => 152325
                            [2] => 156478
                            [3] => 156481
                            [4] => 166326
                            [5] => 167588
                            [6] => 167591
                            [7] => 167438
                            [8] => 173441
                            [9] => 173453
                            [10] => 179951
                            [11] => 179953

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 152424
                            [1] => 152099
                            [2] => 152426

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 157877
                            [1] => 160195
                            [2] => 114355
                            [3] => 152197
                            [4] => 165803
                            [5] => 156559
                            [6] => 114214
                            [7] => 151917
                            [8] => 147230
                            [9] => 139124
                            [10] => 165987
                            [11] => 146558
                            [12] => 147214
                            [13] => 156504
                            [14] => 152067
                            [15] => 161865
                            [16] => 139117
                            [17] => 139055
                            [18] => 116135
                            [19] => 52538
                            [20] => 147224
                            [21] => 156046
                            [22] => 167232
                            [23] => 116123
                            [24] => 193295
                            [25] => 155851
                            [26] => 173446
                            [27] => 146657
                            [28] => 114185
                            [29] => 155919
                            [30] => 167235
                            [31] => 114196
                            [32] => 161854
                            [33] => 139068
                            [34] => 161842
                            [35] => 176641
                            [36] => 166318
                            [37] => 152047
                            [38] => 146639
                            [39] => 156652
                            [40] => 139289
                            [41] => 160244
                            [42] => 167583
                            [43] => 172214
                            [44] => 162388
                            [45] => 161860
                            [46] => 140983
                            [47] => 152089
                            [48] => 173476
                            [49] => 151618
                            [50] => 172243
                            [51] => 114502
                            [52] => 161833
                            [53] => 114545
                            [54] => 173619
                            [55] => 146562
                            [56] => 114223
                            [57] => 167660
                            [58] => 139758
                            [59] => 180173
                            [60] => 146662
                            [61] => 146281
                            [62] => 114627
                            [63] => 165982
                            [64] => 139071
                            [65] => 155829
                            [66] => 114176
                            [67] => 176646
                            [68] => 167619
                            [69] => 147207
                            [70] => 194848
                            [71] => 156113
                            [72] => 114688
                            [73] => 172179
                            [74] => 165984
                            [75] => 152092
                            [76] => 160299
                            [77] => 161436
                            [78] => 173464
                            [79] => 139312
                            [80] => 146250
                            [81] => 177078
                            [82] => 152317
                            [83] => 167435
                            [84] => 167885
                            [85] => 161696
                            [86] => 147204
                            [87] => 155854
                            [88] => 156472
                            [89] => 152009
                            [90] => 146248
                            [91] => 146303
                            [92] => 152061
                            [93] => 156343
                            [94] => 155763
                            [95] => 176682
                            [96] => 155844
                            [97] => 156340
                            [98] => 160192
                            [99] => 173434
                            [100] => 172764
                            [101] => 174018
                            [102] => 151688
                            [103] => 177039
                            [104] => 172204
                            [105] => 173582
                            [106] => 152207
                            [107] => 167216
                            [108] => 166185
                            [109] => 155861
                            [110] => 151926
                            [111] => 139085
                            [112] => 140965
                            [113] => 114349
                            [114] => 160522
                            [115] => 176652
                            [116] => 146305
                            [117] => 116111
                            [118] => 173501

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 152426
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 152426
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 3684
                    [martindale] => 25000
                    [characteristics] => Array

                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 999999
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => LIMITED STOCK
                            [slug] => limited-stock
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LIMITED STOCK.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LIMITED STOCK_m.jpg


            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 167588
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 999999
                    [description] => HARMONY 09
                    [slug] => harmony/09/SKU-167588
                    [description_large] => This geometric texture, with volume and marbled effect, receives the inspiration from the equilibrium and symmetry of the Imperial Palace of Pekin, whose construction’s details always had the same goal: to create harmony. This design is perfect for upholstery and it is available in 9 colours: ivory, beige, taupe, golden, blue, mint green, pearl grey, and lead grey.
                    [image] => JPG 1200/RITUALS/HARMONY-09.jpg
                    [miniature] => JPG/RITUALS/HARMONY-09.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => JPG 1200/RITUALS/HARMONY-09.jpg
                                    [miniature] => JPG/RITUALS/HARMONY-09.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 1158
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/OM/Lizzo_Om_129276.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/OM/Lizzo_Om_129276.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 1159
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/RITUALS/Lizzo_Rituals_129178.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/RITUALS/Lizzo_Rituals_129178.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 1160
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/RITUALS/Lizzo_Rituals_129191.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/RITUALS/Lizzo_Rituals_129191.jpg

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 1161
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/RITUALS/Lizzo_Rituals_129243.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/RITUALS/Lizzo_Rituals_129243.jpg

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 1162
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/RITUALS/Lizzo_Rituals_129271.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/RITUALS/Lizzo_Rituals_129271.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001675887
                    [color] => 09
                    [size] => 134 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 9.50
                    [raporth] => 9.00
                    [weight] => 530
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 114
                            [simcarasc] => r
                            [simcar] => r
                            [description_es] => No Lavar
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not wash
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not wash

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 53
                            [simcarasc] => 5
                            [simcar] => 5
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Media
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description_en] => Medium iron max. 150º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description] => Medium iron max. 150º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 65
                            [simcarasc] => A
                            [simcar] => A
                            [description_es] => Lavado D seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Delicate dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Delicate dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 54%CV 17%PA 15%CO 14%PES
                    [status] => DI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13280
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013600
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 147213
                            [1] => 152325
                            [2] => 139312
                            [3] => 179686
                            [4] => 173453
                            [5] => 172300
                            [6] => 191326
                            [7] => 165507
                            [8] => 176969
                            [9] => 155770
                            [10] => 176956
                            [11] => 152426

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 167583
                            [1] => 167584
                            [2] => 167585
                            [3] => 167586
                            [4] => 167587
                            [5] => 167588
                            [6] => 167589
                            [7] => 167591

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 157877
                            [1] => 160195
                            [2] => 114355
                            [3] => 152197
                            [4] => 165803
                            [5] => 156559
                            [6] => 114214
                            [7] => 151917
                            [8] => 147230
                            [9] => 139124
                            [10] => 165987
                            [11] => 146558
                            [12] => 147214
                            [13] => 156504
                            [14] => 152067
                            [15] => 161865
                            [16] => 139117
                            [17] => 139055
                            [18] => 116135
                            [19] => 52538
                            [20] => 147224
                            [21] => 156046
                            [22] => 167232
                            [23] => 116123
                            [24] => 193295
                            [25] => 155851
                            [26] => 173446
                            [27] => 146657
                            [28] => 114185
                            [29] => 155919
                            [30] => 167235
                            [31] => 114196
                            [32] => 161854
                            [33] => 139068
                            [34] => 161842
                            [35] => 176641
                            [36] => 166318
                            [37] => 152047
                            [38] => 146639
                            [39] => 156652
                            [40] => 139289
                            [41] => 160244
                            [42] => 172214
                            [43] => 162388
                            [44] => 161860
                            [45] => 152099
                            [46] => 140983
                            [47] => 152089
                            [48] => 173476
                            [49] => 151618
                            [50] => 172243
                            [51] => 114502
                            [52] => 161833
                            [53] => 114545
                            [54] => 173619
                            [55] => 146562
                            [56] => 114223
                            [57] => 167660
                            [58] => 139758
                            [59] => 180173
                            [60] => 146662
                            [61] => 146281
                            [62] => 114627
                            [63] => 165982
                            [64] => 139071
                            [65] => 155829
                            [66] => 114176
                            [67] => 176646
                            [68] => 167619
                            [69] => 147207
                            [70] => 194848
                            [71] => 156113
                            [72] => 114688
                            [73] => 172179
                            [74] => 165984
                            [75] => 152092
                            [76] => 160299
                            [77] => 161436
                            [78] => 173464
                            [79] => 139312
                            [80] => 146250
                            [81] => 177078
                            [82] => 152317
                            [83] => 167435
                            [84] => 167885
                            [85] => 161696
                            [86] => 147204
                            [87] => 155854
                            [88] => 156472
                            [89] => 152009
                            [90] => 146248
                            [91] => 146303
                            [92] => 152061
                            [93] => 156343
                            [94] => 155763
                            [95] => 176682
                            [96] => 155844
                            [97] => 156340
                            [98] => 160192
                            [99] => 173434
                            [100] => 172764
                            [101] => 174018
                            [102] => 151688
                            [103] => 177039
                            [104] => 172204
                            [105] => 173582
                            [106] => 152207
                            [107] => 167216
                            [108] => 166185
                            [109] => 155861
                            [110] => 151926
                            [111] => 139085
                            [112] => 140965
                            [113] => 114349
                            [114] => 160522
                            [115] => 176652
                            [116] => 146305
                            [117] => 116111
                            [118] => 173501

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 167588
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 167588
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 167588
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 3666
                    [martindale] => 40000
                    [characteristics] => Array

                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 999999
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => LIMITED STOCK
                            [slug] => limited-stock
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LIMITED STOCK.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LIMITED STOCK_m.jpg


            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 167591
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 999999
                    [description] => HARMONY 19
                    [slug] => harmony/19/SKU-167591
                    [description_large] => This geometric texture, with volume and marbled effect, receives the inspiration from the equilibrium and symmetry of the Imperial Palace of Pekin, whose construction’s details always had the same goal: to create harmony. This design is perfect for upholstery and it is available in 9 colours: ivory, beige, taupe, golden, blue, mint green, pearl grey, and lead grey.
                    [image] => JPG 1200/RITUALS/HARMONY-19.jpg
                    [miniature] => JPG/RITUALS/HARMONY-19.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => JPG 1200/RITUALS/HARMONY-19.jpg
                                    [miniature] => JPG/RITUALS/HARMONY-19.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 1168
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/OM/Lizzo_Om_129276.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/OM/Lizzo_Om_129276.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 1169
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/RITUALS/Lizzo_Rituals_129178.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/RITUALS/Lizzo_Rituals_129178.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 1170
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/RITUALS/Lizzo_Rituals_129191.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/RITUALS/Lizzo_Rituals_129191.jpg

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 1171
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/RITUALS/Lizzo_Rituals_129243.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/RITUALS/Lizzo_Rituals_129243.jpg

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 1172
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/RITUALS/Lizzo_Rituals_129271.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/RITUALS/Lizzo_Rituals_129271.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001675917
                    [color] => 19
                    [size] => 134 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 9.50
                    [raporth] => 9.00
                    [weight] => 530
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 114
                            [simcarasc] => r
                            [simcar] => r
                            [description_es] => No Lavar
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not wash
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not wash

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 53
                            [simcarasc] => 5
                            [simcar] => 5
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Media
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description_en] => Medium iron max. 150º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description] => Medium iron max. 150º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 65
                            [simcarasc] => A
                            [simcar] => A
                            [description_es] => Lavado D seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Delicate dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Delicate dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 54%CV 17%PA 15%CO 14%PES
                    [status] => DI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13280
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013600
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 147213
                            [1] => 152325
                            [2] => 139312
                            [3] => 179686
                            [4] => 173453
                            [5] => 172300
                            [6] => 191326
                            [7] => 165507
                            [8] => 176969
                            [9] => 155770
                            [10] => 176956
                            [11] => 152426

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 167583
                            [1] => 167584
                            [2] => 167585
                            [3] => 167586
                            [4] => 167587
                            [5] => 167588
                            [6] => 167589
                            [7] => 167591

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 157877
                            [1] => 160195
                            [2] => 114355
                            [3] => 152197
                            [4] => 165803
                            [5] => 156559
                            [6] => 114214
                            [7] => 151917
                            [8] => 147230
                            [9] => 139124
                            [10] => 165987
                            [11] => 146558
                            [12] => 147214
                            [13] => 156504
                            [14] => 152067
                            [15] => 161865
                            [16] => 139117
                            [17] => 139055
                            [18] => 116135
                            [19] => 52538
                            [20] => 147224
                            [21] => 156046
                            [22] => 167232
                            [23] => 116123
                            [24] => 193295
                            [25] => 155851
                            [26] => 173446
                            [27] => 146657
                            [28] => 114185
                            [29] => 155919
                            [30] => 167235
                            [31] => 114196
                            [32] => 161854
                            [33] => 139068
                            [34] => 161842
                            [35] => 176641
                            [36] => 166318
                            [37] => 152047
                            [38] => 146639
                            [39] => 156652
                            [40] => 139289
                            [41] => 160244
                            [42] => 172214
                            [43] => 162388
                            [44] => 161860
                            [45] => 152099
                            [46] => 140983
                            [47] => 152089
                            [48] => 173476
                            [49] => 151618
                            [50] => 172243
                            [51] => 114502
                            [52] => 161833
                            [53] => 114545
                            [54] => 173619
                            [55] => 146562
                            [56] => 114223
                            [57] => 167660
                            [58] => 139758
                            [59] => 180173
                            [60] => 146662
                            [61] => 146281
                            [62] => 114627
                            [63] => 165982
                            [64] => 139071
                            [65] => 155829
                            [66] => 114176
                            [67] => 176646
                            [68] => 167619
                            [69] => 147207
                            [70] => 194848
                            [71] => 156113
                            [72] => 114688
                            [73] => 172179
                            [74] => 165984
                            [75] => 152092
                            [76] => 160299
                            [77] => 161436
                            [78] => 173464
                            [79] => 139312
                            [80] => 146250
                            [81] => 177078
                            [82] => 152317
                            [83] => 167435
                            [84] => 167885
                            [85] => 161696
                            [86] => 147204
                            [87] => 155854
                            [88] => 156472
                            [89] => 152009
                            [90] => 146248
                            [91] => 146303
                            [92] => 152061
                            [93] => 156343
                            [94] => 155763
                            [95] => 176682
                            [96] => 155844
                            [97] => 156340
                            [98] => 160192
                            [99] => 173434
                            [100] => 172764
                            [101] => 174018
                            [102] => 151688
                            [103] => 177039
                            [104] => 172204
                            [105] => 173582
                            [106] => 152207
                            [107] => 167216
                            [108] => 166185
                            [109] => 155861
                            [110] => 151926
                            [111] => 139085
                            [112] => 140965
                            [113] => 114349
                            [114] => 160522
                            [115] => 176652
                            [116] => 146305
                            [117] => 116111
                            [118] => 173501

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 167591
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 167591
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 167591
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 3669
                    [martindale] => 40000
                    [characteristics] => Array

                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 999999
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => LIMITED STOCK
                            [slug] => limited-stock
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LIMITED STOCK.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LIMITED STOCK_m.jpg


            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 161438
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 999999
                    [description] => NEREIDA 09
                    [slug] => nereida/09/SKU-161438
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => JPG 1200/MYTHOLOGY/NEREIDA-09.jpg
                    [miniature] => JPG/MYTHOLOGY/NEREIDA-09.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => JPG 1200/MYTHOLOGY/NEREIDA-09.jpg
                                    [miniature] => JPG/MYTHOLOGY/NEREIDA-09.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 401
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/2018/Lizzo_Catalogue_2018_34.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/2018/Lizzo_Catalogue_2018_34.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 402
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/2018/Lizzo_Catalogue_2018_36.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/2018/Lizzo_Catalogue_2018_36.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 403
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/2018/Lizzo_Gentry_39.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/2018/Lizzo_Gentry_39.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001614381
                    [color] => 09
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 70.00
                    [raporth] => 135.00
                    [weight] => 110
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 53
                            [simcarasc] => 5
                            [simcar] => 5
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Media
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description_en] => Medium iron max. 150º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description] => Medium iron max. 150º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 65
                            [simcarasc] => A
                            [simcar] => A
                            [description_es] => Lavado D seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Delicate dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Delicate dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 70%PES 30%LI
                    [status] => DI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12822
                    [custom_tariff] => 53092900
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 161436
                            [1] => 161437
                            [2] => 161438

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 157877
                            [1] => 160195
                            [2] => 114355
                            [3] => 152197
                            [4] => 165803
                            [5] => 156559
                            [6] => 114214
                            [7] => 151917
                            [8] => 147230
                            [9] => 139124
                            [10] => 165987
                            [11] => 146558
                            [12] => 147214
                            [13] => 156504
                            [14] => 152067
                            [15] => 161865
                            [16] => 139117
                            [17] => 139055
                            [18] => 116135
                            [19] => 52538
                            [20] => 147224
                            [21] => 156046
                            [22] => 167232
                            [23] => 116123
                            [24] => 193295
                            [25] => 155851
                            [26] => 173446
                            [27] => 146657
                            [28] => 114185
                            [29] => 155919
                            [30] => 167235
                            [31] => 114196
                            [32] => 161854
                            [33] => 139068
                            [34] => 161842
                            [35] => 176641
                            [36] => 166318
                            [37] => 152047
                            [38] => 146639
                            [39] => 156652
                            [40] => 139289
                            [41] => 160244
                            [42] => 167583
                            [43] => 172214
                            [44] => 162388
                            [45] => 161860
                            [46] => 152099
                            [47] => 140983
                            [48] => 152089
                            [49] => 173476
                            [50] => 151618
                            [51] => 172243
                            [52] => 114502
                            [53] => 161833
                            [54] => 114545
                            [55] => 173619
                            [56] => 146562
                            [57] => 114223
                            [58] => 167660
                            [59] => 139758
                            [60] => 180173
                            [61] => 146662
                            [62] => 146281
                            [63] => 114627
                            [64] => 165982
                            [65] => 139071
                            [66] => 155829
                            [67] => 114176
                            [68] => 176646
                            [69] => 167619
                            [70] => 147207
                            [71] => 194848
                            [72] => 156113
                            [73] => 114688
                            [74] => 172179
                            [75] => 165984
                            [76] => 152092
                            [77] => 160299
                            [78] => 173464
                            [79] => 139312
                            [80] => 146250
                            [81] => 177078
                            [82] => 152317
                            [83] => 167435
                            [84] => 167885
                            [85] => 161696
                            [86] => 147204
                            [87] => 155854
                            [88] => 156472
                            [89] => 152009
                            [90] => 146248
                            [91] => 146303
                            [92] => 152061
                            [93] => 156343
                            [94] => 155763
                            [95] => 176682
                            [96] => 155844
                            [97] => 156340
                            [98] => 160192
                            [99] => 173434
                            [100] => 172764
                            [101] => 174018
                            [102] => 151688
                            [103] => 177039
                            [104] => 172204
                            [105] => 173582
                            [106] => 152207
                            [107] => 167216
                            [108] => 166185
                            [109] => 155861
                            [110] => 151926
                            [111] => 139085
                            [112] => 140965
                            [113] => 114349
                            [114] => 160522
                            [115] => 176652
                            [116] => 146305
                            [117] => 116111
                            [118] => 173501

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 161438
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 4825
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => Array

                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 999999
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => LIMITED STOCK
                            [slug] => limited-stock
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LIMITED STOCK.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LIMITED STOCK_m.jpg


            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 156341
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 999999
                    [description] => SALONA 09
                    [slug] => salona/09/SKU-156341
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => JPG 1200/VIA MAGNA/SALONA-09.jpg
                    [miniature] => JPG/VIA MAGNA/SALONA-09.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => JPG 1200/VIA MAGNA/SALONA-09.jpg
                                    [miniature] => JPG/VIA MAGNA/SALONA-09.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001563412
                    [color] => 09
                    [size] => 138 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 410
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 114
                            [simcarasc] => r
                            [simcar] => r
                            [description_es] => No Lavar
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not wash
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not wash

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 92%CO 7%PES 1%PA
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                            [0] => 156340
                            [1] => 156341
                            [2] => 156342

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 157877
                            [1] => 160195
                            [2] => 114355
                            [3] => 152197
                            [4] => 165803
                            [5] => 156559
                            [6] => 114214
                            [7] => 151917
                            [8] => 147230
                            [9] => 139124
                            [10] => 165987
                            [11] => 146558
                            [12] => 147214
                            [13] => 156504
                            [14] => 152067
                            [15] => 161865
                            [16] => 139117
                            [17] => 139055
                            [18] => 116135
                            [19] => 52538
                            [20] => 147224
                            [21] => 156046
                            [22] => 167232
                            [23] => 116123
                            [24] => 193295
                            [25] => 155851
                            [26] => 173446
                            [27] => 146657
                            [28] => 114185
                            [29] => 155919
                            [30] => 167235
                            [31] => 114196
                            [32] => 161854
                            [33] => 139068
                            [34] => 161842
                            [35] => 176641
                            [36] => 166318
                            [37] => 152047
                            [38] => 146639
                            [39] => 156652
                            [40] => 139289
                            [41] => 160244
                            [42] => 167583
                            [43] => 172214
                            [44] => 162388
                            [45] => 161860
                            [46] => 152099
                            [47] => 140983
                            [48] => 152089
                            [49] => 173476
                            [50] => 151618
                            [51] => 172243
                            [52] => 114502
                            [53] => 161833
                            [54] => 114545
                            [55] => 173619
                            [56] => 146562
                            [57] => 114223
                            [58] => 167660
                            [59] => 139758
                            [60] => 180173
                            [61] => 146662
                            [62] => 146281
                            [63] => 114627
                            [64] => 165982
                            [65] => 139071
                            [66] => 155829
                            [67] => 114176
                            [68] => 176646
                            [69] => 167619
                            [70] => 147207
                            [71] => 194848
                            [72] => 156113
                            [73] => 114688
                            [74] => 172179
                            [75] => 165984
                            [76] => 152092
                            [77] => 160299
                            [78] => 161436
                            [79] => 173464
                            [80] => 139312
                            [81] => 146250
                            [82] => 177078
                            [83] => 152317
                            [84] => 167435
                            [85] => 167885
                            [86] => 161696
                            [87] => 147204
                            [88] => 155854
                            [89] => 156472
                            [90] => 152009
                            [91] => 146248
                            [92] => 146303
                            [93] => 152061
                            [94] => 156343
                            [95] => 155763
                            [96] => 176682
                            [97] => 155844
                            [98] => 160192
                            [99] => 173434
                            [100] => 172764
                            [101] => 174018
                            [102] => 151688
                            [103] => 177039
                            [104] => 172204
                            [105] => 173582
                            [106] => 152207
                            [107] => 167216
                            [108] => 166185
                            [109] => 155861
                            [110] => 151926
                            [111] => 139085
                            [112] => 140965
                            [113] => 114349
                            [114] => 160522
                            [115] => 176652
                            [116] => 146305
                            [117] => 116111
                            [118] => 173501

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 156341
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 156341
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 5016
                    [martindale] => 22000
                    [characteristics] => Array

                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 999999
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => LIMITED STOCK
                            [slug] => limited-stock
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LIMITED STOCK.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LIMITED STOCK_m.jpg


            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 156342
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 999999
                    [description] => SALONA 19
                    [slug] => salona/19/SKU-156342
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => JPG 1200/VIA MAGNA/SALONA-19.jpg
                    [miniature] => JPG/VIA MAGNA/SALONA-19.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => JPG 1200/VIA MAGNA/SALONA-19.jpg
                                    [miniature] => JPG/VIA MAGNA/SALONA-19.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001563429
                    [color] => 19
                    [size] => 138 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 410
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 114
                            [simcarasc] => r
                            [simcar] => r
                            [description_es] => No Lavar
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not wash
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not wash

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 92%CO 7%PES 1%PA
                    [status] => DI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12614
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 156340
                            [1] => 156341
                            [2] => 156342

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 157877
                            [1] => 160195
                            [2] => 114355
                            [3] => 152197
                            [4] => 165803
                            [5] => 156559
                            [6] => 114214
                            [7] => 151917
                            [8] => 147230
                            [9] => 139124
                            [10] => 165987
                            [11] => 146558
                            [12] => 147214
                            [13] => 156504
                            [14] => 152067
                            [15] => 161865
                            [16] => 139117
                            [17] => 139055
                            [18] => 116135
                            [19] => 52538
                            [20] => 147224
                            [21] => 156046
                            [22] => 167232
                            [23] => 116123
                            [24] => 193295
                            [25] => 155851
                            [26] => 173446
                            [27] => 146657
                            [28] => 114185
                            [29] => 155919
                            [30] => 167235
                            [31] => 114196
                            [32] => 161854
                            [33] => 139068
                            [34] => 161842
                            [35] => 176641
                            [36] => 166318
                            [37] => 152047
                            [38] => 146639
                            [39] => 156652
                            [40] => 139289
                            [41] => 160244
                            [42] => 167583
                            [43] => 172214
                            [44] => 162388
                            [45] => 161860
                            [46] => 152099
                            [47] => 140983
                            [48] => 152089
                            [49] => 173476
                            [50] => 151618
                            [51] => 172243
                            [52] => 114502
                            [53] => 161833
                            [54] => 114545
                            [55] => 173619
                            [56] => 146562
                            [57] => 114223
                            [58] => 167660
                            [59] => 139758
                            [60] => 180173
                            [61] => 146662
                            [62] => 146281
                            [63] => 114627
                            [64] => 165982
                            [65] => 139071
                            [66] => 155829
                            [67] => 114176
                            [68] => 176646
                            [69] => 167619
                            [70] => 147207
                            [71] => 194848
                            [72] => 156113
                            [73] => 114688
                            [74] => 172179
                            [75] => 165984
                            [76] => 152092
                            [77] => 160299
                            [78] => 161436
                            [79] => 173464
                            [80] => 139312
                            [81] => 146250
                            [82] => 177078
                            [83] => 152317
                            [84] => 167435
                            [85] => 167885
                            [86] => 161696
                            [87] => 147204
                            [88] => 155854
                            [89] => 156472
                            [90] => 152009
                            [91] => 146248
                            [92] => 146303
                            [93] => 152061
                            [94] => 156343
                            [95] => 155763
                            [96] => 176682
                            [97] => 155844
                            [98] => 160192
                            [99] => 173434
                            [100] => 172764
                            [101] => 174018
                            [102] => 151688
                            [103] => 177039
                            [104] => 172204
                            [105] => 173582
                            [106] => 152207
                            [107] => 167216
                            [108] => 166185
                            [109] => 155861
                            [110] => 151926
                            [111] => 139085
                            [112] => 140965
                            [113] => 114349
                            [114] => 160522
                            [115] => 176652
                            [116] => 146305
                            [117] => 116111
                            [118] => 173501

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 156342
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 156342
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 5017
                    [martindale] => 22000
                    [characteristics] => Array

                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 999999
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => LIMITED STOCK
                            [slug] => limited-stock
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LIMITED STOCK.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LIMITED STOCK_m.jpg


            [6] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 146303
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 999999
                    [description] => RIVERBEND 09
                    [slug] => riverbend/09/SKU-146303
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => JPG 1200/NEW ORLEANS/RIVERBEND-09.jpg
                    [miniature] => JPG/NEW ORLEANS/RIVERBEND-09.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => JPG 1200/NEW ORLEANS/RIVERBEND-09.jpg
                                    [miniature] => JPG/NEW ORLEANS/RIVERBEND-09.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001463033
                    [color] => 09
                    [size] => 310 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 75.00
                    [raporth] => 84.00
                    [weight] => 300
                    [avg_roll] => 33.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 30%CUP 30%CO 20%LI 20%PES
                    [status] => DI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
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                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 152426
                            [1] => 167588
                            [2] => 167591
                            [3] => 166326
                            [4] => 156478
                            [5] => 156481

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 146303

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 157877
                            [1] => 160195
                            [2] => 114355
                            [3] => 152197
                            [4] => 165803
                            [5] => 156559
                            [6] => 114214
                            [7] => 151917
                            [8] => 147230
                            [9] => 139124
                            [10] => 165987
                            [11] => 146558
                            [12] => 147214
                            [13] => 156504
                            [14] => 152067
                            [15] => 161865
                            [16] => 139117
                            [17] => 139055
                            [18] => 116135
                            [19] => 52538
                            [20] => 147224
                            [21] => 156046
                            [22] => 167232
                            [23] => 116123
                            [24] => 193295
                            [25] => 155851
                            [26] => 173446
                            [27] => 146657
                            [28] => 114185
                            [29] => 155919
                            [30] => 167235
                            [31] => 114196
                            [32] => 161854
                            [33] => 139068
                            [34] => 161842
                            [35] => 176641
                            [36] => 166318
                            [37] => 152047
                            [38] => 146639
                            [39] => 156652
                            [40] => 139289
                            [41] => 160244
                            [42] => 167583
                            [43] => 172214
                            [44] => 162388
                            [45] => 161860
                            [46] => 152099
                            [47] => 140983
                            [48] => 152089
                            [49] => 173476
                            [50] => 151618
                            [51] => 172243
                            [52] => 114502
                            [53] => 161833
                            [54] => 114545
                            [55] => 173619
                            [56] => 146562
                            [57] => 114223
                            [58] => 167660
                            [59] => 139758
                            [60] => 180173
                            [61] => 146662
                            [62] => 146281
                            [63] => 114627
                            [64] => 165982
                            [65] => 139071
                            [66] => 155829
                            [67] => 114176
                            [68] => 176646
                            [69] => 167619
                            [70] => 147207
                            [71] => 194848
                            [72] => 156113
                            [73] => 114688
                            [74] => 172179
                            [75] => 165984
                            [76] => 152092
                            [77] => 160299
                            [78] => 161436
                            [79] => 173464
                            [80] => 139312
                            [81] => 146250
                            [82] => 177078
                            [83] => 152317
                            [84] => 167435
                            [85] => 167885
                            [86] => 161696
                            [87] => 147204
                            [88] => 155854
                            [89] => 156472
                            [90] => 152009
                            [91] => 146248
                            [92] => 152061
                            [93] => 156343
                            [94] => 155763
                            [95] => 176682
                            [96] => 155844
                            [97] => 156340
                            [98] => 160192
                            [99] => 173434
                            [100] => 172764
                            [101] => 174018
                            [102] => 151688
                            [103] => 177039
                            [104] => 172204
                            [105] => 173582
                            [106] => 152207
                            [107] => 167216
                            [108] => 166185
                            [109] => 155861
                            [110] => 151926
                            [111] => 139085
                            [112] => 140965
                            [113] => 114349
                            [114] => 160522
                            [115] => 176652
                            [116] => 146305
                            [117] => 116111
                            [118] => 173501

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 146303
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 15
                                    [description_es] => CONFECCIÓN
                                    [description_en] => DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/cushion.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => g
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 146303
                                            [usage_id] => 15



                    [wc_id] => 4985
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => Array

                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 999999
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => LIMITED STOCK
                            [slug] => limited-stock
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LIMITED STOCK.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LIMITED STOCK_m.jpg


            [7] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 166326
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 999999
                    [description] => EARTH 09
                    [slug] => earth/09/SKU-166326
                    [description_large] => A jacquard with semi-smooth texture, with a satin finish, whose geometrical and blurred aspect recalls to a tree bark. Earth is presented in ten different tones where we can find neutral colours like whites, champagnes and nudes and a feister colour range such as golden, grey-green, oranges, cognac, cadet blue, steel grey among others.
                    [image] => JPG 1200/HOLISTIC/EARTH-09.jpg
                    [miniature] => JPG/HOLISTIC/EARTH-09.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => JPG 1200/HOLISTIC/EARTH-09.jpg
                                    [miniature] => JPG/HOLISTIC/EARTH-09.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 1075
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/HOLISTIC/Lizzo_Holistic_129086.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/HOLISTIC/Lizzo_Holistic_129086.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 1076
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/HOLISTIC/Lizzo_Holistic_129210.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/HOLISTIC/Lizzo_Holistic_129210.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 1077
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/HOLISTIC/Lizzo_Holistic_129353.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/HOLISTIC/Lizzo_Holistic_129353.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001663266
                    [color] => 09
                    [size] => 134 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 260
                    [avg_roll] => 60.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 114
                            [simcarasc] => r
                            [simcar] => r
                            [description_es] => No Lavar
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not wash
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not wash

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 53
                            [simcarasc] => 5
                            [simcar] => 5
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Media
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description_en] => Medium iron max. 150º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description] => Medium iron max. 150º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 52%PA 31%CO 17%PAN
                    [status] => DI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13232
                    [custom_tariff] => 55143090
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 147213
                            [1] => 152325
                            [2] => 139312
                            [3] => 179686
                            [4] => 173453
                            [5] => 172300
                            [6] => 191326
                            [7] => 165507
                            [8] => 176969
                            [9] => 155770
                            [10] => 176956
                            [11] => 152426

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 166318
                            [1] => 166319
                            [2] => 166320
                            [3] => 166321
                            [4] => 166323
                            [5] => 166324
                            [6] => 166326
                            [7] => 166325
                            [8] => 166327

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
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                            [1] => 160195
                            [2] => 114355
                            [3] => 152197
                            [4] => 165803
                            [5] => 156559
                            [6] => 114214
                            [7] => 151917
                            [8] => 147230
                            [9] => 139124
                            [10] => 165987
                            [11] => 146558
                            [12] => 147214
                            [13] => 156504
                            [14] => 152067
                            [15] => 161865
                            [16] => 139117
                            [17] => 139055
                            [18] => 116135
                            [19] => 52538
                            [20] => 147224
                            [21] => 156046
                            [22] => 167232
                            [23] => 116123
                            [24] => 193295
                            [25] => 155851
                            [26] => 173446
                            [27] => 146657
                            [28] => 114185
                            [29] => 155919
                            [30] => 167235
                            [31] => 114196
                            [32] => 161854
                            [33] => 139068
                            [34] => 161842
                            [35] => 176641
                            [36] => 152047
                            [37] => 146639
                            [38] => 156652
                            [39] => 139289
                            [40] => 160244
                            [41] => 167583
                            [42] => 172214
                            [43] => 162388
                            [44] => 161860
                            [45] => 152099
                            [46] => 140983
                            [47] => 152089
                            [48] => 173476
                            [49] => 151618
                            [50] => 172243
                            [51] => 114502
                            [52] => 161833
                            [53] => 114545
                            [54] => 173619
                            [55] => 146562
                            [56] => 114223
                            [57] => 167660
                            [58] => 139758
                            [59] => 180173
                            [60] => 146662
                            [61] => 146281
                            [62] => 114627
                            [63] => 165982
                            [64] => 139071
                            [65] => 155829
                            [66] => 114176
                            [67] => 176646
                            [68] => 167619
                            [69] => 147207
                            [70] => 194848
                            [71] => 156113
                            [72] => 114688
                            [73] => 172179
                            [74] => 165984
                            [75] => 152092
                            [76] => 160299
                            [77] => 161436
                            [78] => 173464
                            [79] => 139312
                            [80] => 146250
                            [81] => 177078
                            [82] => 152317
                            [83] => 167435
                            [84] => 167885
                            [85] => 161696
                            [86] => 147204
                            [87] => 155854
                            [88] => 156472
                            [89] => 152009
                            [90] => 146248
                            [91] => 146303
                            [92] => 152061
                            [93] => 156343
                            [94] => 155763
                            [95] => 176682
                            [96] => 155844
                            [97] => 156340
                            [98] => 160192
                            [99] => 173434
                            [100] => 172764
                            [101] => 174018
                            [102] => 151688
                            [103] => 177039
                            [104] => 172204
                            [105] => 173582
                            [106] => 152207
                            [107] => 167216
                            [108] => 166185
                            [109] => 155861
                            [110] => 151926
                            [111] => 139085
                            [112] => 140965
                            [113] => 114349
                            [114] => 160522
                            [115] => 176652
                            [116] => 146305
                            [117] => 116111
                            [118] => 173501

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 166326
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 166326
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 166326
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 3499
                    [martindale] => 20000
                    [characteristics] => Array

                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 999999
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => LIMITED STOCK
                            [slug] => limited-stock
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LIMITED STOCK.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LIMITED STOCK_m.jpg


            [8] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 156478
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 202483
                    [description] => PURE 09
                    [slug] => pure/09/SKU-156478
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => JPG 1200/ETHEREAL/PURE-09.jpg
                    [miniature] => JPG/ETHEREAL/PURE-09.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => JPG 1200/ETHEREAL/PURE-09.jpg
                                    [miniature] => JPG/ETHEREAL/PURE-09.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001564785
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                    [size] => 135 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 482
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 114
                            [simcarasc] => r
                            [simcar] => r
                            [description_es] => No Lavar
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not wash
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not wash

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 53
                            [simcarasc] => 5
                            [simcar] => 5
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Media
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description_en] => Medium iron max. 150º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description] => Medium iron max. 150º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 44%CO 30%CV 26%PA
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                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
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                            [1] => 167588
                            [2] => 167591
                            [3] => 146303
                            [4] => 166326

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 156472
                            [1] => 156473
                            [2] => 156474
                            [3] => 156475
                            [4] => 156476
                            [5] => 156477
                            [6] => 156478
                            [7] => 156479
                            [8] => 156481

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 156452
                            [1] => 156462

                    [memo] => 
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                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 156478
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
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                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 156478
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
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                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 156478
                                            [usage_id] => 14



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                    [martindale] => 35000
                    [characteristics] => Array

                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202483
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => ETHEREAL
                            [slug] => ethereal
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/ETHEREAL.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/ETHEREAL_m.jpg


            [9] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 156481
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 202483
                    [description] => PURE 19
                    [slug] => pure/19/SKU-156481
                    [description_large] => 
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                    [miniature] => JPG/ETHEREAL/PURE-19.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
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                                    [miniature] => JPG/ETHEREAL/PURE-19.jpg


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                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 482
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
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                            [id] => 114
                            [simcarasc] => r
                            [simcar] => r
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                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not wash

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 53
                            [simcarasc] => 5
                            [simcar] => 5
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Media
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description_en] => Medium iron max. 150º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description] => Medium iron max. 150º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
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                    [reference] => 
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                            [1] => 167588
                            [2] => 167591
                            [3] => 146303
                            [4] => 166326

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 156472
                            [1] => 156473
                            [2] => 156474
                            [3] => 156475
                            [4] => 156476
                            [5] => 156477
                            [6] => 156478
                            [7] => 156479
                            [8] => 156481

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 156452
                            [1] => 156462

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 156481
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 156481
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 156481
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 4966
                    [martindale] => 35000
                    [characteristics] => Array

                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202483
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => ETHEREAL
                            [slug] => ethereal
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/ETHEREAL.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/ETHEREAL_m.jpg



    [otherColours] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 189055
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203201
                    [description] => MARAIS 02
                    [slug] => marais/02/SKU-189055
                    [description_large] => Marais is the iconic fabric of this collection, inspired by the contour lines of maps, with sinuous shapes that have no beginning and no ending. It is a semi-gloss jacquard fabric that plays with the volumes of the pattern and the background, with five colour combinations: two of them more intense and three subtler, designed for decorative and curtain use.
                    [image] => JPG 1200/LAND ART/MARAIS-02.jpg
                    [miniature] => JPG/LAND ART/MARAIS-02.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => JPG 1200/LAND ART/MARAIS-02.jpg
                                    [miniature] => JPG/LAND ART/MARAIS-02.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4156
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_12.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_12.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
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                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_16.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_16.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4158
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_19.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_19.jpg

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4159
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_4.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_4.jpg

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4160
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_9.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_9.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001890556
                    [color] => 02
                    [size] => 136 cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 67.00
                    [raporth] => 71.00
                    [weight] => 250
                    [avg_roll] => 37.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 114
                            [simcarasc] => r
                            [simcar] => r
                            [description_es] => No Lavar
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not wash
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not wash

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 53
                            [simcarasc] => 5
                            [simcar] => 5
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Media
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description_en] => Medium iron max. 150º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description] => Medium iron max. 150º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => 
                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 37%LI 25%PES 22%PAN 16%CV
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 14208
                    [custom_tariff] => 53091910
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 146666
                            [1] => 166318
                            [2] => 161436

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 189055
                            [1] => 189056
                            [2] => 189057
                            [3] => 189058
                            [4] => 189059

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 188307
                            [1] => 180173
                            [2] => 188701
                            [3] => 188402

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 189055
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 15
                                    [description_es] => CONFECCIÓN
                                    [description_en] => DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/cushion.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => g
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 189055
                                            [usage_id] => 15



                    [wc_id] => 278625
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => Array

                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 203201
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => LAND ART
                            [slug] => land-art
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LAND ART.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LAND ART_m.jpg


            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 189056
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203201
                    [description] => MARAIS 03
                    [slug] => marais/03/SKU-189056
                    [description_large] => Marais is the iconic fabric of this collection, inspired by the contour lines of maps, with sinuous shapes that have no beginning and no ending. It is a semi-gloss jacquard fabric that plays with the volumes of the pattern and the background, with five colour combinations: two of them more intense and three subtler, designed for decorative and curtain use.
                    [image] => JPG 1200/LAND ART/MARAIS-03.jpg
                    [miniature] => JPG/LAND ART/MARAIS-03.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => JPG 1200/LAND ART/MARAIS-03.jpg
                                    [miniature] => JPG/LAND ART/MARAIS-03.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4161
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_12.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_12.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4162
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_16.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_16.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4163
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_19.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_19.jpg

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4164
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_4.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_4.jpg

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4165
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_9.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_9.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001890563
                    [color] => 03
                    [size] => 136 cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 67.00
                    [raporth] => 71.00
                    [weight] => 250
                    [avg_roll] => 37.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 114
                            [simcarasc] => r
                            [simcar] => r
                            [description_es] => No Lavar
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not wash
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not wash

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 53
                            [simcarasc] => 5
                            [simcar] => 5
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Media
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description_en] => Medium iron max. 150º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description] => Medium iron max. 150º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => 
                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 37%LI 25%PES 22%PAN 16%CV
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 14208
                    [custom_tariff] => 53091910
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 156340
                            [1] => 166319
                            [2] => 162647

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 189055
                            [1] => 189056
                            [2] => 189057
                            [3] => 189058
                            [4] => 189059

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 188307
                            [1] => 180173
                            [2] => 188701
                            [3] => 188402

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 189056
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 15
                                    [description_es] => CONFECCIÓN
                                    [description_en] => DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/cushion.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => g
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 189056
                                            [usage_id] => 15



                    [wc_id] => 278628
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => Array

                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 203201
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => LAND ART
                            [slug] => land-art
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LAND ART.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LAND ART_m.jpg


            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 189057
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203201
                    [description] => MARAIS 05
                    [slug] => marais/05/SKU-189057
                    [description_large] => Marais is the iconic fabric of this collection, inspired by the contour lines of maps, with sinuous shapes that have no beginning and no ending. It is a semi-gloss jacquard fabric that plays with the volumes of the pattern and the background, with five colour combinations: two of them more intense and three subtler, designed for decorative and curtain use.
                    [image] => JPG 1200/LAND ART/MARAIS-05.jpg
                    [miniature] => JPG/LAND ART/MARAIS-05.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => JPG 1200/LAND ART/MARAIS-05.jpg
                                    [miniature] => JPG/LAND ART/MARAIS-05.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4166
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_12.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_12.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4167
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_16.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_16.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4168
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_19.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_19.jpg

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4169
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_4.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_4.jpg

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4170
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_9.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_9.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001890570
                    [color] => 05
                    [size] => 136 cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 67.00
                    [raporth] => 71.00
                    [weight] => 250
                    [avg_roll] => 37.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 114
                            [simcarasc] => r
                            [simcar] => r
                            [description_es] => No Lavar
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not wash
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not wash

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 53
                            [simcarasc] => 5
                            [simcar] => 5
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Media
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description_en] => Medium iron max. 150º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description] => Medium iron max. 150º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => 
                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 37%LI 25%PES 22%PAN 16%CV
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
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                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 167585
                            [1] => 166321
                            [2] => 146662
                            [3] => 156474
                            [4] => 152424

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 189055
                            [1] => 189056
                            [2] => 189057
                            [3] => 189058
                            [4] => 189059

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 188307
                            [1] => 180173
                            [2] => 188701
                            [3] => 188402

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 189057
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 15
                                    [description_es] => CONFECCIÓN
                                    [description_en] => DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/cushion.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => g
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 189057
                                            [usage_id] => 15



                    [wc_id] => 278631
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => Array

                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 203201
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => LAND ART
                            [slug] => land-art
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LAND ART.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LAND ART_m.jpg


            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 189058
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203201
                    [description] => MARAIS 06
                    [slug] => marais/06/SKU-189058
                    [description_large] => Marais is the iconic fabric of this collection, inspired by the contour lines of maps, with sinuous shapes that have no beginning and no ending. It is a semi-gloss jacquard fabric that plays with the volumes of the pattern and the background, with five colour combinations: two of them more intense and three subtler, designed for decorative and curtain use.
                    [image] => JPG 1200/LAND ART/MARAIS-06.jpg
                    [miniature] => JPG/LAND ART/MARAIS-06.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => JPG 1200/LAND ART/MARAIS-06.jpg
                                    [miniature] => JPG/LAND ART/MARAIS-06.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4171
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_12.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_12.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4172
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_16.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_16.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4173
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_19.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_19.jpg

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4174
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_4.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_4.jpg

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4175
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_9.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_9.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001890587
                    [color] => 06
                    [size] => 136 cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 67.00
                    [raporth] => 71.00
                    [weight] => 250
                    [avg_roll] => 37.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 114
                            [simcarasc] => r
                            [simcar] => r
                            [description_es] => No Lavar
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not wash
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not wash

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 53
                            [simcarasc] => 5
                            [simcar] => 5
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Media
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description_en] => Medium iron max. 150º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description] => Medium iron max. 150º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => 
                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 37%LI 25%PES 22%PAN 16%CV
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 14208
                    [custom_tariff] => 53091910
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 152099
                            [1] => 167586
                            [2] => 160299
                            [3] => 166185
                            [4] => 156475
                            [5] => 161437
                            [6] => 156479
                            [7] => 139068

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 189055
                            [1] => 189056
                            [2] => 189057
                            [3] => 189058
                            [4] => 189059

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 188307
                            [1] => 180173
                            [2] => 188701
                            [3] => 188402

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 189058
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 15
                                    [description_es] => CONFECCIÓN
                                    [description_en] => DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/cushion.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => g
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 189058
                                            [usage_id] => 15



                    [wc_id] => 278634
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => Array

                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 203201
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => LAND ART
                            [slug] => land-art
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LAND ART.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LAND ART_m.jpg


            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 189059
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203201
                    [description] => MARAIS 09
                    [slug] => marais/09/SKU-189059
                    [description_large] => Marais is the iconic fabric of this collection, inspired by the contour lines of maps, with sinuous shapes that have no beginning and no ending. It is a semi-gloss jacquard fabric that plays with the volumes of the pattern and the background, with five colour combinations: two of them more intense and three subtler, designed for decorative and curtain use.
                    [image] => JPG 1200/LAND ART/MARAIS-09.jpg
                    [miniature] => JPG/LAND ART/MARAIS-09.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => JPG 1200/LAND ART/MARAIS-09.jpg
                                    [miniature] => JPG/LAND ART/MARAIS-09.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4176
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_12.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_12.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4177
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_16.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_16.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4178
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_19.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_19.jpg

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4179
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_4.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_4.jpg

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4180
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_9.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_9.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001890594
                    [color] => 09
                    [size] => 136 cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 67.00
                    [raporth] => 71.00
                    [weight] => 250
                    [avg_roll] => 37.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 114
                            [simcarasc] => r
                            [simcar] => r
                            [description_es] => No Lavar
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not wash
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not wash

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 53
                            [simcarasc] => 5
                            [simcar] => 5
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Media
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description_en] => Medium iron max. 150º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_150.jpg
                            [description] => Medium iron max. 150º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => 
                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 37%LI 25%PES 22%PAN 16%CV
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 14208
                    [custom_tariff] => 53091910
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 152426
                            [1] => 167588
                            [2] => 167591
                            [3] => 161438
                            [4] => 156341
                            [5] => 156342
                            [6] => 146303
                            [7] => 166326
                            [8] => 156478
                            [9] => 156481

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 189055
                            [1] => 189056
                            [2] => 189057
                            [3] => 189058
                            [4] => 189059

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 188307
                            [1] => 180173
                            [2] => 188701
                            [3] => 188402

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 189059
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 15
                                    [description_es] => CONFECCIÓN
                                    [description_en] => DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/cushion.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => g
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 189059
                                            [usage_id] => 15



                    [wc_id] => 278637
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => Array

                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 203201
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => LAND ART
                            [slug] => land-art
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LAND ART.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LAND ART_m.jpg



    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 188307
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203201
                    [description] => GRAVEL 03
                    [slug] => gravel/03/SKU-188307
                    [description_large] => The material and chromatic richness of the most representative works of the Land Art movement inspire this jacquard with an organic pattern resembling on a small scale an extensive and arid salt flat. Sophisticated and elegant, this discreet texture, with a body-like fall, has the subtle sheen of silk and is available in seven shades including celadon green, aged pink, gold or silver grey.
                    [image] => JPG 1200/LAND ART/GRAVEL-03.jpg
                    [miniature] => JPG/LAND ART/GRAVEL-03.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => JPG 1200/LAND ART/GRAVEL-03.jpg
                                    [miniature] => JPG/LAND ART/GRAVEL-03.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 3886
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_14.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_14.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 3887
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_18.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_18.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 3888
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_19.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_19.jpg

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 3889
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_24.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_24.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001883077
                    [color] => 03
                    [size] => 137 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 34.00
                    [raporth] => 30.00
                    [weight] => 205
                    [avg_roll] => 57.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 114
                            [simcarasc] => r
                            [simcar] => r
                            [description_es] => No Lavar
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not wash
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not wash

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 29%SE 28%CV 26%LI 17%PAN
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 14072
                    [custom_tariff] => 50079050
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 180181
                            [1] => 195705
                            [2] => 191425
                            [3] => 176646
                            [4] => 191427
                            [5] => 177090
                            [6] => 191337
                            [7] => 180174
                            [8] => 191344
                            [9] => 176642

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 188307
                            [1] => 188308
                            [2] => 188309
                            [3] => 188310
                            [4] => 188311
                            [5] => 188312
                            [6] => 188313

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 180173
                            [1] => 188701
                            [2] => 189055
                            [3] => 188402

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 188307
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 278147
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => Array

                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 203201
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => LAND ART
                            [slug] => land-art
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LAND ART.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LAND ART_m.jpg


            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 180173
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203201
                    [description] => LUMBER 02
                    [slug] => lumber/02/SKU-180173
                    [description_large] => Lumber is a viscose velvet with an organic relief of vertical lines reminiscent of the sinuous shapes of the wood veins after which it is named. Various Land Art artists have used trunks or branches to create figures in the landscape, creating artistic figures that mimic nature, building unique structures that capture us with their etherealness. 
This fabric, suitable for upholstery, is available in 11 colours, from emerald green to celadon, cadmium yellow, marsala, antique pink or dusty blue.
                    [image] => JPG 1200/LUMBER/LUMBER-02.jpg
                    [miniature] => JPG/LUMBER/LUMBER-02.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => JPG 1200/LUMBER/LUMBER-02.jpg
                                    [miniature] => JPG/LUMBER/LUMBER-02.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 3792
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_19.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_19.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 3793
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_20.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_20.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 3794
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_22.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_22.jpg

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 3795
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_8.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_8.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001801736
                    [color] => 02
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 35.00
                    [raporth] => 68.00
                    [weight] => 600
                    [avg_roll] => 25.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 114
                            [simcarasc] => r
                            [simcar] => r
                            [description_es] => No Lavar
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not wash
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not wash

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 67%CV 33%CO
                    [status] => AE
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 14071
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 180173
                            [1] => 180174
                            [2] => 180175
                            [3] => 180176
                            [4] => 180177
                            [5] => 180178
                            [6] => 180179
                            [7] => 180180
                            [8] => 180181
                            [9] => 180182
                            [10] => 180183

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 188307
                            [1] => 188701
                            [2] => 189055
                            [3] => 188402

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 180173
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 180173
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 180173
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 278404
                    [martindale] => 100000
                    [characteristics] => Array

                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 203201
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => LAND ART
                            [slug] => land-art
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LAND ART.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LAND ART_m.jpg


            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 188701
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203201
                    [description] => MAGMA 07
                    [slug] => magma/07/SKU-188701
                    [description_large] => Virgin wool bouclé which texture emulates lava seas, evoking the power of the Earth and the force of nature to its fullest splendour.  This amazing but infrequent phenomenon has attracted the attention of artists throughout history in places where its telluric force has been revealed. The combination of its warm matt wool interwoven with the semi-gloss yarn base creates a unique result that enhances its subtle sophistication. It is available in celadon green, marsala, taupe, cotton white and almond beige.
                    [image] => JPG 1200/LAND ART/MAGMA-07.jpg
                    [miniature] => JPG/LAND ART/MAGMA-07.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => JPG 1200/LAND ART/MAGMA-07.jpg
                                    [miniature] => JPG/LAND ART/MAGMA-07.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4093
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_15.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_15.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4094
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4095
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_21.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_21.jpg

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4096
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_5.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_5.jpg

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 4097
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_9.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_9.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001887013
                    [color] => 07
                    [size] => 126 CM
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 31.00
                    [raporth] => 28.00
                    [weight] => 840
                    [avg_roll] => 17.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 114
                            [simcarasc] => r
                            [simcar] => r
                            [description_es] => No Lavar
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not wash
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not wash

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 65
                            [simcarasc] => A
                            [simcar] => A
                            [description_es] => Lavado D seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Delicate dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Delicate dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => 
                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 67%WV 18%CO 15%CV
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 14182
                    [custom_tariff] => 51121990
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 191718
                            [1] => 177092
                            [2] => 191341

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 188773
                            [1] => 188774
                            [2] => 188775
                            [3] => 188701
                            [4] => 188776

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 188307
                            [1] => 180173
                            [2] => 189055
                            [3] => 188402

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 188701
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 188701
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 278609
                    [martindale] => 30000
                    [characteristics] => Array

                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 203201
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => LAND ART
                            [slug] => land-art
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LAND ART.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LAND ART_m.jpg


            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 188402
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203201
                    [description] => MAZE 02
                    [slug] => maze/02/SKU-188402
                    [description_large] => Maze is born from the idea of experiencing the perfect bond between nature and art. A Jacquard fabric with an Ikat motif of criss-crossed lines that give volume and three-dimensionality. 
Among its colour range, highlighted by a semi-gloss appearance, bold mustards, basalt blues or emerald greens stand out, together with other more neutral shades such as pearly whites or warm beiges. Suitable for upholstery or curtain use.
                    [image] => JPG 1200/LAND ART/MAZE-02.jpg
                    [miniature] => JPG/LAND ART/MAZE-02.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => JPG 1200/LAND ART/MAZE-02.jpg
                                    [miniature] => JPG/LAND ART/MAZE-02.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 3914
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_10.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_10.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 3915
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_19.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_19.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 3916
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_3.jpg

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 3917
                                    [image] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_6.jpg
                                    [miniature] => LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200X1200/LAND ART/LIZZO_LAND ART_6.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001884029
                    [color] => 02
                    [size] => 138 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 70.00
                    [raporth] => 169.00
                    [weight] => 400
                    [avg_roll] => 40.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 114
                            [simcarasc] => r
                            [simcar] => r
                            [description_es] => No Lavar
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not wash
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not wash

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                            [simcar] => p
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                            [simtipo] => 2
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                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

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                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
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                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

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                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
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                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
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                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 51%PES 31%PA 11%CO 7%LI
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                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 14073
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                            [0] => 166318
                            [1] => 173493
                            [2] => 173435
                            [3] => 173447
                            [4] => 179946
                            [5] => 189062
                            [6] => 191320
                            [7] => 191327

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 188402
                            [1] => 188403
                            [2] => 188404
                            [3] => 188405
                            [4] => 188406
                            [5] => 188409
                            [6] => 188407
                            [7] => 188408

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                            [0] => 188307
                            [1] => 180173
                            [2] => 188701
                            [3] => 189055

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 188402
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 188402
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 188402
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 278668
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => Array

                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 203201
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => LAND ART
                            [slug] => land-art
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LAND ART.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LAND ART_m.jpg



    [memo] => 
    [usage_recommendation] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 8
                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                    [ilavado_char] => o
                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                            [article_id] => 189059
                            [usage_id] => 8


            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 15
                    [description_es] => CONFECCIÓN
                    [description_en] => DECOR
                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/cushion.png
                    [ilavado_char] => g
                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                            [article_id] => 189059
                            [usage_id] => 15



    [wc_id] => 278637
    [martindale] => 
    [characteristics] => Array

    [type] => stdClass Object
            [sync_id] => 351
            [lang] => en
            [type_id] => 6
            [name] => Fabrics
            [slug] => fabrics

    [collection] => stdClass Object
            [sync_id] => 351
            [lang] => en
            [collection_id] => 203201
            [brand_id] => 5
            [brand_name] => LIZZO
            [description] => LAND ART
            [slug] => land-art
            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LAND ART.jpg
            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LAND ART_m.jpg

Recommended UsageCURTAIN & SHEERS,
Weight250 g/m²
Do not washDo not wash
Do not bleachDo not bleach
Medium iron max. 150º CMedium iron max. 150º C
Dry clean PerchloroethyleneDry clean Perchloroethylene
Do not tumble dryDo not tumble dry
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Marais is the iconic fabric of this collection, inspired by the contour lines of maps, with sinuous shapes that have no beginning and no ending. It is a semi-gloss jacquard fabric that plays with the volumes of the pattern and the background, with five colour combinations: two of them more intense and three subtler, designed for decorative and curtain use.

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