Color 19
ReferenciaCAMELIA 50 x 30cm 19
Tamaño50x30 Cm
Composición100%PP FR
stdClass Object
    [sync_id] => 351
    [lang] => es
    [product_id] => 175970
    [type_id] => 49
    [brand_id] => 5
    [brand_name] => LIZZO
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            [0] => stdClass Object
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                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 19/CAMELIA 50x30 - 19 details.jpg

            [1] => stdClass Object
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                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg
                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg


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    [sizes] => null
    [raportv] => 
    [raporth] => 
    [weight] => 845
    [avg_roll] => 
    [allow_decimals] => 
    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 177
            [simcarasc] => ±
            [simcar] => ±
            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida
            [simtipo] => 1
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
            [description_en] => Low dry 40º C mild
            [simlavable] => 1
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida

    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 112
            [simcarasc] => p
            [simcar] => p
            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
            [simtipo] => 2
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
            [description_en] => Do not bleach
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 126
            [simcarasc] => ~
            [simcar] => ~
            [description_es] => No Planchar
            [simtipo] => 3
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
            [description_en] => Do not iron
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
            [description] => No Planchar

    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 83
            [simcarasc] => S
            [simcar] => S
            [description_es] => No lavar seco
            [simtipo] => 4
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
            [description] => No lavar seco

    [artSL_secadora] => 
    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 156
            [simcarasc] => œ
            [simcar] => œ
            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
            [simtipo] => 6
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
            [description_en] => Do not spin
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
            [description] => No Centrifugar

    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
    [artSL_Luz] => 
    [artSL_Pelable] => 
    [artSL_Rapport] => 
    [artSL_fuego] => 
    [artSL_encolado1] => 
    [artSL_encolado2] => 
    [measure] => Unid
    [distribuido] => 
    [alternative_id] => 
    [composition] => 100%PP FR
    [status] => VI
    [sample] => 
    [reference] => 
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            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175894
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => BOVARY 50 x 50cm 00
                    [slug] => bovary-50-x-50cm/00/SKU-175894
                    [description_large] => 
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                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 00/BOVARY 50x50 - 00.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 00/BOVARY 50x50 - 00.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 00/BOVARY 50x50 - 00.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6746
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 00/BOVARY 50x50 - 00.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 00/BOVARY 50x50 - 00.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6747
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 00/BOVARY 50x50 - 00 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 00/BOVARY 50x50 - 00 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6748
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001758948
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                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 1350
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
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                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
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                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
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                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
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                            [1] => 175947
                            [2] => 175948
                            [3] => 175949
                            [4] => 175950
                            [5] => 175951
                            [6] => 175952
                            [7] => 175979
                            [8] => 175980
                            [9] => 175981
                            [10] => 175982
                            [11] => 175983

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175979
                            [2] => 175963
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175894
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
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                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
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                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175894
                                            [usage_id] => 17



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                                    [id] => 134
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                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 141
                                    [article_id] => 175894
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                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 148
                                    [article_id] => 175894
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                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Breathable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 176
                                    [article_id] => 175894
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 183
                                    [article_id] => 175894
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 5
                                    [valor_en] => 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 190
                                    [article_id] => 175894
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                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175895
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
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                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 02/BOVARY 50x50 - 02.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 02/BOVARY 50x50 - 02.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 02/BOVARY 50x50 - 02.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6749
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 02/BOVARY 50x50 - 02.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 02/BOVARY 50x50 - 02.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6750
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 02/BOVARY 50x50 - 02 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 02/BOVARY 50x50 - 02 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6751
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11222.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11222.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001758955
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                    [size] => 50x50 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 1350
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                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
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                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
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                    [alternative_id] => 
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                            [1] => 175947
                            [2] => 175948
                            [3] => 175949
                            [4] => 175950
                            [5] => 175951
                            [6] => 175952
                            [7] => 175979
                            [8] => 175980
                            [9] => 175981
                            [10] => 175982
                            [11] => 175983

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175979
                            [2] => 175963
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
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                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
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                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
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                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
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                                            [usage_id] => 17



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                                    [article_id] => 175895
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                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 142
                                    [article_id] => 175895
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 149
                                    [article_id] => 175895
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Transpirable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Breathable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 177
                                    [article_id] => 175895
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 184
                                    [article_id] => 175895
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 5
                                    [valor_en] => 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 191
                                    [article_id] => 175895
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175896
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => BOVARY 50 x 50cm 03
                    [slug] => bovary-50-x-50cm/03/SKU-175896
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 50x50 - 03/BOVARY 50x50 - 03.jpg
                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 03/BOVARY 50x50 - 03.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 03/BOVARY 50x50 - 03.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 03/BOVARY 50x50 - 03.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6752
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 03/BOVARY 50x50 - 03.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 03/BOVARY 50x50 - 03.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6753
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 03/BOVARY 50x50 - 03 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 03/BOVARY 50x50 - 03 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6754
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11222.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11222.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001758962
                    [color] => 03
                    [size] => 50x50 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 1350
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
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                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175947
                            [2] => 175948
                            [3] => 175949
                            [4] => 175950
                            [5] => 175951
                            [6] => 175952
                            [7] => 175979
                            [8] => 175980
                            [9] => 175981
                            [10] => 175982
                            [11] => 175983

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175979
                            [2] => 175963
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175896
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175896
                                            [usage_id] => 17



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                    [martindale] => 50000
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                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 136
                                    [article_id] => 175896
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 143
                                    [article_id] => 175896
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 150
                                    [article_id] => 175896
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Transpirable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Breathable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 178
                                    [article_id] => 175896
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 185
                                    [article_id] => 175896
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 5
                                    [valor_en] => 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 192
                                    [article_id] => 175896
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175897
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => BOVARY 50 x 50cm 04
                    [slug] => bovary-50-x-50cm/04/SKU-175897
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 50x50 - 04/BOVARY 50x50 - 04.jpg
                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 04/BOVARY 50x50 - 04.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 04/BOVARY 50x50 - 04.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 04/BOVARY 50x50 - 04.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6755
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 04/BOVARY 50x50 - 04.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 04/BOVARY 50x50 - 04.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6756
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 04/BOVARY 50x50 - 04 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 04/BOVARY 50x50 - 04 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6757
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001758979
                    [color] => 04
                    [size] => 50x50 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 1350
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
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                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175947
                            [2] => 175948
                            [3] => 175949
                            [4] => 175950
                            [5] => 175951
                            [6] => 175952
                            [7] => 175979
                            [8] => 175980
                            [9] => 175981
                            [10] => 175982
                            [11] => 175983

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175979
                            [2] => 175963
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175897
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175897
                                            [usage_id] => 17



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                                    [id] => 131
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                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 138
                                    [article_id] => 175897
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 145
                                    [article_id] => 175897
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                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Breathable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 173
                                    [article_id] => 175897
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 180
                                    [article_id] => 175897
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 5
                                    [valor_en] => 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 187
                                    [article_id] => 175897
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175898
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => BOVARY 50 x 50cm 05
                    [slug] => bovary-50-x-50cm/05/SKU-175898
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 50x50 - 05/BOVARY 50x50 - 05.jpg
                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 05/BOVARY 50x50 - 05.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 05/BOVARY 50x50 - 05.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 05/BOVARY 50x50 - 05.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6758
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 05/BOVARY 50x50 - 05.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 05/BOVARY 50x50 - 05.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6759
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 05/BOVARY 50x50 - 05 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 05/BOVARY 50x50 - 05 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6760
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001758986
                    [color] => 05
                    [size] => 50x50 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 1350
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13594
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                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175947
                            [2] => 175948
                            [3] => 175949
                            [4] => 175950
                            [5] => 175951
                            [6] => 175952
                            [7] => 175979
                            [8] => 175980
                            [9] => 175981
                            [10] => 175982
                            [11] => 175983

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175979
                            [2] => 175963
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175898
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175898
                                            [usage_id] => 17



                    [wc_id] => 251246
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 132
                                    [article_id] => 175898
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 139
                                    [article_id] => 175898
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 146
                                    [article_id] => 175898
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Transpirable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Breathable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 174
                                    [article_id] => 175898
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 181
                                    [article_id] => 175898
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 5
                                    [valor_en] => 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 188
                                    [article_id] => 175898
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175899
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => BOVARY 50 x 50cm 07
                    [slug] => bovary-50-x-50cm/07/SKU-175899
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 50x50 - 07/BOVARY 50x50 - 07.jpg
                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 07/BOVARY 50x50 - 07.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 07/BOVARY 50x50 - 07.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 07/BOVARY 50x50 - 07.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6761
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 07/BOVARY 50x50 - 07.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 07/BOVARY 50x50 - 07.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6762
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 07/BOVARY 50x50 - 07 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 07/BOVARY 50x50 - 07 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6763
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11222.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11222.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001758993
                    [color] => 07
                    [size] => 50x50 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 1350
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
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                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175947
                            [2] => 175948
                            [3] => 175949
                            [4] => 175950
                            [5] => 175951
                            [6] => 175952
                            [7] => 175979
                            [8] => 175980
                            [9] => 175981
                            [10] => 175982
                            [11] => 175983

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175979
                            [2] => 175963
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175899
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175899
                                            [usage_id] => 17



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                                    [id] => 133
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                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 140
                                    [article_id] => 175899
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                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 147
                                    [article_id] => 175899
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                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Breathable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 175
                                    [article_id] => 175899
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                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 182
                                    [article_id] => 175899
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                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 5
                                    [valor_en] => 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 189
                                    [article_id] => 175899
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [6] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175900
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => BOVARY 50 x 50cm 09
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                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 09/BOVARY 50x50 - 09.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 09/BOVARY 50x50 - 09.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 09/BOVARY 50x50 - 09.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6764
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 09/BOVARY 50x50 - 09.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 09/BOVARY 50x50 - 09.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6765
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 09/BOVARY 50x50 - 09 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 09/BOVARY 50x50 - 09 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6766
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11222.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11222.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759006
                    [color] => 09
                    [size] => 50x50 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 1350
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13594
                    [custom_tariff] => 94049090
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175947
                            [2] => 175948
                            [3] => 175949
                            [4] => 175950
                            [5] => 175951
                            [6] => 175952
                            [7] => 175979
                            [8] => 175980
                            [9] => 175981
                            [10] => 175982
                            [11] => 175983

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175979
                            [2] => 175963
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175900
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175900
                                            [usage_id] => 17



                    [wc_id] => 251252
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 130
                                    [article_id] => 175900
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 137
                                    [article_id] => 175900
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 144
                                    [article_id] => 175900
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Transpirable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Breathable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 172
                                    [article_id] => 175900
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 179
                                    [article_id] => 175900
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 5
                                    [valor_en] => 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 186
                                    [article_id] => 175900
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [7] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175946
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => BOVARY 60 x 40cm 00
                    [slug] => bovary-60-x-40cm/00/SKU-175946
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 60x40 - 00/BOVARY 60x40 - 00.jpg
                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 00/BOVARY 60x40 - 00.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 00/BOVARY 60x40 - 00.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 00/BOVARY 60x40 - 00.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6802
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 00/BOVARY 60x40 - 00.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 00/BOVARY 60x40 - 00.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6803
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 00/BOVARY 60x40 - 00 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 00/BOVARY 60x40 - 00 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6804
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11251.jpg
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11251.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759464
                    [color] => 00
                    [size] => 60x40 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 1350
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
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                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175979
                            [8] => 175980
                            [9] => 175981
                            [10] => 175982
                            [11] => 175983

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175947
                            [2] => 175948
                            [3] => 175949
                            [4] => 175950
                            [5] => 175951
                            [6] => 175952

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175979
                            [2] => 175963
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175946
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175946
                                            [usage_id] => 17



                    [wc_id] => 251255
                    [martindale] => 50000
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                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 26
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                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 33
                                    [article_id] => 175946
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                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 40
                                    [article_id] => 175946
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                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Breathable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 197
                                    [article_id] => 175946
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 204
                                    [article_id] => 175946
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                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 5
                                    [valor_en] => 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 211
                                    [article_id] => 175946
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [8] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175947
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => BOVARY 60 x 40cm 02
                    [slug] => bovary-60-x-40cm/02/SKU-175947
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 60x40 - 02/BOVARY 60x40 - 02.jpg
                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 02/BOVARY 60x40 - 02.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 02/BOVARY 60x40 - 02.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 02/BOVARY 60x40 - 02.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6805
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 02/BOVARY 60x40 - 02.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 02/BOVARY 60x40 - 02.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6806
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 02/BOVARY 60x40 - 02 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 02/BOVARY 60x40 - 02 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6807
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11251.jpg
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11251.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759471
                    [color] => 02
                    [size] => 60x40 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 1350
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13594
                    [custom_tariff] => 94049090
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175979
                            [8] => 175980
                            [9] => 175981
                            [10] => 175982
                            [11] => 175983

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175947
                            [2] => 175948
                            [3] => 175949
                            [4] => 175950
                            [5] => 175951
                            [6] => 175952

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175979
                            [2] => 175963
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175947
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175947
                                            [usage_id] => 17



                    [wc_id] => 251258
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 27
                                    [article_id] => 175947
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 34
                                    [article_id] => 175947
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 41
                                    [article_id] => 175947
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Transpirable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Breathable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 198
                                    [article_id] => 175947
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 205
                                    [article_id] => 175947
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 5
                                    [valor_en] => 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 212
                                    [article_id] => 175947
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [9] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175948
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => BOVARY 60 x 40cm 03
                    [slug] => bovary-60-x-40cm/03/SKU-175948
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 60x40 - 03/BOVARY 60x40 - 03.jpg
                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 03/BOVARY 60x40 - 03.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 03/BOVARY 60x40 - 03.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 03/BOVARY 60x40 - 03.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6808
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 03/BOVARY 60x40 - 03.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 03/BOVARY 60x40 - 03.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6809
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 03/BOVARY 60x40 - 03 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 03/BOVARY 60x40 - 03 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6810
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11251.jpg
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11251.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759488
                    [color] => 03
                    [size] => 60x40 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 1350
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13594
                    [custom_tariff] => 94049090
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175979
                            [8] => 175980
                            [9] => 175981
                            [10] => 175982
                            [11] => 175983

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175947
                            [2] => 175948
                            [3] => 175949
                            [4] => 175950
                            [5] => 175951
                            [6] => 175952

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175979
                            [2] => 175963
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175948
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175948
                                            [usage_id] => 17



                    [wc_id] => 251261
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 28
                                    [article_id] => 175948
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
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                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 35
                                    [article_id] => 175948
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 42
                                    [article_id] => 175948
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Transpirable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Breathable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 199
                                    [article_id] => 175948
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 206
                                    [article_id] => 175948
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 5
                                    [valor_en] => 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 213
                                    [article_id] => 175948
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [10] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175949
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => BOVARY 60 x 40cm 04
                    [slug] => bovary-60-x-40cm/04/SKU-175949
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 60x40 - 04/BOVARY 60x40 - 04.jpg
                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 04/BOVARY 60x40 - 04.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 04/BOVARY 60x40 - 04.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 04/BOVARY 60x40 - 04.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6811
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 04/BOVARY 60x40 - 04.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 04/BOVARY 60x40 - 04.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6812
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 04/BOVARY 60x40 - 04 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 04/BOVARY 60x40 - 04 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6813
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11251.jpg
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11251.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759495
                    [color] => 04
                    [size] => 60x40 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 1350
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13594
                    [custom_tariff] => 94049090
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175979
                            [8] => 175980
                            [9] => 175981
                            [10] => 175982
                            [11] => 175983

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175947
                            [2] => 175948
                            [3] => 175949
                            [4] => 175950
                            [5] => 175951
                            [6] => 175952

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175979
                            [2] => 175963
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175949
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175949
                                            [usage_id] => 17



                    [wc_id] => 251264
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 23
                                    [article_id] => 175949
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 30
                                    [article_id] => 175949
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 37
                                    [article_id] => 175949
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Transpirable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Breathable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 194
                                    [article_id] => 175949
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 201
                                    [article_id] => 175949
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 5
                                    [valor_en] => 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 208
                                    [article_id] => 175949
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [11] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175950
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => BOVARY 60 x 40cm 05
                    [slug] => bovary-60-x-40cm/05/SKU-175950
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 60x40 - 05/BOVARY 60x40 - 05.jpg
                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 05/BOVARY 60x40 - 05.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 05/BOVARY 60x40 - 05.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 05/BOVARY 60x40 - 05.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6814
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 05/BOVARY 60x40 - 05.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 05/BOVARY 60x40 - 05.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6815
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 05/BOVARY 60x40 - 05 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 05/BOVARY 60x40 - 05 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6816
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11283.jpg
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11283.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759501
                    [color] => 05
                    [size] => 60x40 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 1350
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13594
                    [custom_tariff] => 94049090
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175979
                            [8] => 175980
                            [9] => 175981
                            [10] => 175982
                            [11] => 175983

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175947
                            [2] => 175948
                            [3] => 175949
                            [4] => 175950
                            [5] => 175951
                            [6] => 175952

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175979
                            [2] => 175963
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175950
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175950
                                            [usage_id] => 17



                    [wc_id] => 251267
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 24
                                    [article_id] => 175950
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 31
                                    [article_id] => 175950
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 38
                                    [article_id] => 175950
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Transpirable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Breathable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 195
                                    [article_id] => 175950
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 202
                                    [article_id] => 175950
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 5
                                    [valor_en] => 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 209
                                    [article_id] => 175950
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg



    [otherColours] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175963
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => CAMELIA 50 x 30cm 01
                    [slug] => camelia-50-x-30cm/01/SKU-175963
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 50x30 - 01/CAMELIA 50x30 - 01.jpg
                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 01/CAMELIA 50x30 - 01.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 01/CAMELIA 50x30 - 01.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 01/CAMELIA 50x30 - 01.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6823
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 01/CAMELIA 50x30 - 01.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 01/CAMELIA 50x30 - 01.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6824
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 01/CAMELIA 50x30 - 01 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 01/CAMELIA 50x30 - 01 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6825
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759631
                    [color] => 01
                    [size] => 50x30 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 845
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 177
                            [simcarasc] => ±
                            [simcar] => ±
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low dry 40º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP FR
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
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                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175946
                            [8] => 175947
                            [9] => 175948
                            [10] => 175949
                            [11] => 175950

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175963
                            [1] => 175964
                            [2] => 175965
                            [3] => 175966
                            [4] => 175967
                            [5] => 175968
                            [6] => 175969
                            [7] => 175970

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175946
                            [2] => 175979
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175963
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175963
                                            [usage_id] => 17


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 18
                                    [description_es] => CONTRACT
                                    [description_en] => CONTRACT
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/contract.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175963
                                            [usage_id] => 18



                    [wc_id] => 251405
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 70
                                    [article_id] => 175963
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antibacterias
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Bacteria resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 78
                                    [article_id] => 175963
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 86
                                    [article_id] => 175963
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 241
                                    [article_id] => 175963
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 249
                                    [article_id] => 175963
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 257
                                    [article_id] => 175963
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4
                                    [valor_en] => 4
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175964
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => CAMELIA 50 x 30cm 04
                    [slug] => camelia-50-x-30cm/04/SKU-175964
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 50x30 - 04/CAMELIA 50x30 - 04.jpg
                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 04/CAMELIA 50x30 - 04.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 04/CAMELIA 50x30 - 04.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 04/CAMELIA 50x30 - 04.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6826
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 04/CAMELIA 50x30 - 04.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 04/CAMELIA 50x30 - 04.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6827
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 04/CAMELIA 50x30 - 04 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 04/CAMELIA 50x30 - 04 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6828
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759648
                    [color] => 04
                    [size] => 50x30 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 845
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 177
                            [simcarasc] => ±
                            [simcar] => ±
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low dry 40º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP FR
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13734
                    [custom_tariff] => 94049090
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175946
                            [8] => 175947
                            [9] => 175948
                            [10] => 175949
                            [11] => 175950

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175963
                            [1] => 175964
                            [2] => 175965
                            [3] => 175966
                            [4] => 175967
                            [5] => 175968
                            [6] => 175969
                            [7] => 175970

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175946
                            [2] => 175979
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175964
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175964
                                            [usage_id] => 17


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 18
                                    [description_es] => CONTRACT
                                    [description_en] => CONTRACT
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/contract.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175964
                                            [usage_id] => 18



                    [wc_id] => 251408
                    [martindale] => 50000
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                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 74
                                    [article_id] => 175964
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antibacterias
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Bacteria resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 82
                                    [article_id] => 175964
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 90
                                    [article_id] => 175964
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 245
                                    [article_id] => 175964
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 253
                                    [article_id] => 175964
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 261
                                    [article_id] => 175964
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4
                                    [valor_en] => 4
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175965
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => CAMELIA 50 x 30cm 05
                    [slug] => camelia-50-x-30cm/05/SKU-175965
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 50x30 - 05/CAMELIA 50x30 - 05.jpg
                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 05/CAMELIA 50x30 - 05.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 05/CAMELIA 50x30 - 05.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 05/CAMELIA 50x30 - 05.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6829
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 05/CAMELIA 50x30 - 05.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 05/CAMELIA 50x30 - 05.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6830
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 05/CAMELIA 50x30 - 05 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 05/CAMELIA 50x30 - 05 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6831
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759655
                    [color] => 05
                    [size] => 50x30 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 845
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 177
                            [simcarasc] => ±
                            [simcar] => ±
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low dry 40º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP FR
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
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                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175946
                            [8] => 175947
                            [9] => 175948
                            [10] => 175949
                            [11] => 175950

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175963
                            [1] => 175964
                            [2] => 175965
                            [3] => 175966
                            [4] => 175967
                            [5] => 175968
                            [6] => 175969
                            [7] => 175970

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175946
                            [2] => 175979
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175965
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175965
                                            [usage_id] => 17


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 18
                                    [description_es] => CONTRACT
                                    [description_en] => CONTRACT
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/contract.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175965
                                            [usage_id] => 18



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                                    [id] => 71
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                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Bacteria resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 79
                                    [article_id] => 175965
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                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 87
                                    [article_id] => 175965
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 242
                                    [article_id] => 175965
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 250
                                    [article_id] => 175965
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 258
                                    [article_id] => 175965
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4
                                    [valor_en] => 4
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175966
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => CAMELIA 50 x 30cm 06
                    [slug] => camelia-50-x-30cm/06/SKU-175966
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 50x30 - 06/CAMELIA 50x30 - 06.jpg
                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 06/CAMELIA 50x30 - 06.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 06/CAMELIA 50x30 - 06.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 06/CAMELIA 50x30 - 06.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6832
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 06/CAMELIA 50x30 - 06.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 06/CAMELIA 50x30 - 06.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6833
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 06/CAMELIA 50x30 - 06 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 06/CAMELIA 50x30 - 06 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6834
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759662
                    [color] => 06
                    [size] => 50x30 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 845
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 177
                            [simcarasc] => ±
                            [simcar] => ±
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low dry 40º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP FR
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
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                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175946
                            [8] => 175947
                            [9] => 175948
                            [10] => 175949
                            [11] => 175950

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175963
                            [1] => 175964
                            [2] => 175965
                            [3] => 175966
                            [4] => 175967
                            [5] => 175968
                            [6] => 175969
                            [7] => 175970

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175946
                            [2] => 175979
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175966
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175966
                                            [usage_id] => 17


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 18
                                    [description_es] => CONTRACT
                                    [description_en] => CONTRACT
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/contract.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175966
                                            [usage_id] => 18



                    [wc_id] => 251414
                    [martindale] => 50000
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                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 67
                                    [article_id] => 175966
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antibacterias
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Bacteria resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 75
                                    [article_id] => 175966
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 83
                                    [article_id] => 175966
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 238
                                    [article_id] => 175966
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 246
                                    [article_id] => 175966
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 254
                                    [article_id] => 175966
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4
                                    [valor_en] => 4
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175967
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => CAMELIA 50 x 30cm 07
                    [slug] => camelia-50-x-30cm/07/SKU-175967
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 50x30 - 07/CAMELIA 50x30 - 07.jpg
                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 07/CAMELIA 50x30 - 07.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 07/CAMELIA 50x30 - 07.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 07/CAMELIA 50x30 - 07.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6835
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 07/CAMELIA 50x30 - 07.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 07/CAMELIA 50x30 - 07.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6836
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 07/CAMELIA 50x30 - 07 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 07/CAMELIA 50x30 - 07 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6837
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759679
                    [color] => 07
                    [size] => 50x30 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 845
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 177
                            [simcarasc] => ±
                            [simcar] => ±
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low dry 40º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP FR
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
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                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175946
                            [8] => 175947
                            [9] => 175948
                            [10] => 175949
                            [11] => 175950

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175963
                            [1] => 175964
                            [2] => 175965
                            [3] => 175966
                            [4] => 175967
                            [5] => 175968
                            [6] => 175969
                            [7] => 175970

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175946
                            [2] => 175979
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175967
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175967
                                            [usage_id] => 17


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 18
                                    [description_es] => CONTRACT
                                    [description_en] => CONTRACT
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/contract.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175967
                                            [usage_id] => 18



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                                    [id] => 68
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                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Bacteria resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 76
                                    [article_id] => 175967
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 84
                                    [article_id] => 175967
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 239
                                    [article_id] => 175967
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 247
                                    [article_id] => 175967
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 255
                                    [article_id] => 175967
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4
                                    [valor_en] => 4
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175968
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => CAMELIA 50 x 30cm 08
                    [slug] => camelia-50-x-30cm/08/SKU-175968
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 50x30 - 08/CAMELIA 50x30 - 08.jpg
                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 08/CAMELIA 50x30 - 08.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 08/CAMELIA 50x30 - 08.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 08/CAMELIA 50x30 - 08.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6838
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 08/CAMELIA 50x30 - 08.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 08/CAMELIA 50x30 - 08.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6839
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 08/CAMELIA 50x30 - 08 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 08/CAMELIA 50x30 - 08 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6840
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759686
                    [color] => 08
                    [size] => 50x30 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 845
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 177
                            [simcarasc] => ±
                            [simcar] => ±
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low dry 40º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
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                    [alternative_id] => 
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                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
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                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175946
                            [8] => 175947
                            [9] => 175948
                            [10] => 175949
                            [11] => 175950

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175963
                            [1] => 175964
                            [2] => 175965
                            [3] => 175966
                            [4] => 175967
                            [5] => 175968
                            [6] => 175969
                            [7] => 175970

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175946
                            [2] => 175979
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175968
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175968
                                            [usage_id] => 17


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 18
                                    [description_es] => CONTRACT
                                    [description_en] => CONTRACT
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/contract.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175968
                                            [usage_id] => 18



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                                    [id] => 72
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                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Bacteria resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 80
                                    [article_id] => 175968
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                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 88
                                    [article_id] => 175968
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 243
                                    [article_id] => 175968
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 251
                                    [article_id] => 175968
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 259
                                    [article_id] => 175968
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4
                                    [valor_en] => 4
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [6] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175969
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => CAMELIA 50 x 30cm 09
                    [slug] => camelia-50-x-30cm/09/SKU-175969
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 50x30 - 09/CAMELIA 50x30 - 09.jpg
                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 09/CAMELIA 50x30 - 09.jpg
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                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 09/CAMELIA 50x30 - 09.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 09/CAMELIA 50x30 - 09.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6841
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 09/CAMELIA 50x30 - 09.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 09/CAMELIA 50x30 - 09.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6842
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 09/CAMELIA 50x30 - 09 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 09/CAMELIA 50x30 - 09 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6843
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759693
                    [color] => 09
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                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 845
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 177
                            [simcarasc] => ±
                            [simcar] => ±
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low dry 40º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
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                    [alternative_id] => 
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                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175946
                            [8] => 175947
                            [9] => 175948
                            [10] => 175949
                            [11] => 175950

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175963
                            [1] => 175964
                            [2] => 175965
                            [3] => 175966
                            [4] => 175967
                            [5] => 175968
                            [6] => 175969
                            [7] => 175970

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175946
                            [2] => 175979
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175969
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
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                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175969
                                            [usage_id] => 17


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 18
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                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
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                                            [usage_id] => 18



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                                    [valor_en] => YES
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                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
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                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

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                                    [id] => 89
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                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 244
                                    [article_id] => 175969
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                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 252
                                    [article_id] => 175969
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                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 260
                                    [article_id] => 175969
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                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4
                                    [valor_en] => 4
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [7] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175970
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
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                    [description] => CAMELIA 50 x 30cm 19
                    [slug] => camelia-50-x-30cm/19/SKU-175970
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 50x30 - 19/CAMELIA 50x30 - 19.jpg
                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 19/CAMELIA 50x30 - 19.jpg
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                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 19/CAMELIA 50x30 - 19.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 19/CAMELIA 50x30 - 19.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6844
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 19/CAMELIA 50x30 - 19.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 19/CAMELIA 50x30 - 19.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6845
                                    [image] => 50x30 - 19/CAMELIA 50x30 - 19 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x30 - 19/CAMELIA 50x30 - 19 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6846
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759709
                    [color] => 19
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                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 845
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 177
                            [simcarasc] => ±
                            [simcar] => ±
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low dry 40º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP FR
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13734
                    [custom_tariff] => 94049090
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175946
                            [8] => 175947
                            [9] => 175948
                            [10] => 175949
                            [11] => 175950

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175963
                            [1] => 175964
                            [2] => 175965
                            [3] => 175966
                            [4] => 175967
                            [5] => 175968
                            [6] => 175969
                            [7] => 175970

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175946
                            [2] => 175979
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175970
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175970
                                            [usage_id] => 17


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 18
                                    [description_es] => CONTRACT
                                    [description_en] => CONTRACT
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/contract.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175970
                                            [usage_id] => 18



                    [wc_id] => 251426
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 69
                                    [article_id] => 175970
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antibacterias
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Bacteria resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 77
                                    [article_id] => 175970
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 85
                                    [article_id] => 175970
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 240
                                    [article_id] => 175970
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 248
                                    [article_id] => 175970
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 256
                                    [article_id] => 175970
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4
                                    [valor_en] => 4
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg



    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175894
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => BOVARY 50 x 50cm 00
                    [slug] => bovary-50-x-50cm/00/SKU-175894
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 50x50 - 00/BOVARY 50x50 - 00.jpg
                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 00/BOVARY 50x50 - 00.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 00/BOVARY 50x50 - 00.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 00/BOVARY 50x50 - 00.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6746
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 00/BOVARY 50x50 - 00.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 00/BOVARY 50x50 - 00.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6747
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 00/BOVARY 50x50 - 00 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 00/BOVARY 50x50 - 00 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6748
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001758948
                    [color] => 00
                    [size] => 50x50 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 1350
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13594
                    [custom_tariff] => 94049090
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175947
                            [2] => 175948
                            [3] => 175949
                            [4] => 175950
                            [5] => 175951
                            [6] => 175952
                            [7] => 175979
                            [8] => 175980
                            [9] => 175981
                            [10] => 175982
                            [11] => 175983

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175979
                            [2] => 175963
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175894
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175894
                                            [usage_id] => 17



                    [wc_id] => 251234
                    [martindale] => 50000
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                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 134
                                    [article_id] => 175894
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                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 141
                                    [article_id] => 175894
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 148
                                    [article_id] => 175894
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Transpirable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Breathable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 176
                                    [article_id] => 175894
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 183
                                    [article_id] => 175894
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 5
                                    [valor_en] => 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 190
                                    [article_id] => 175894
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175946
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => BOVARY 60 x 40cm 00
                    [slug] => bovary-60-x-40cm/00/SKU-175946
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 60x40 - 00/BOVARY 60x40 - 00.jpg
                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 00/BOVARY 60x40 - 00.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 00/BOVARY 60x40 - 00.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 00/BOVARY 60x40 - 00.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6802
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 00/BOVARY 60x40 - 00.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 00/BOVARY 60x40 - 00.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6803
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 00/BOVARY 60x40 - 00 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 00/BOVARY 60x40 - 00 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6804
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11251.jpg
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11251.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759464
                    [color] => 00
                    [size] => 60x40 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 1350
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13594
                    [custom_tariff] => 94049090
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175979
                            [8] => 175980
                            [9] => 175981
                            [10] => 175982
                            [11] => 175983

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175946
                            [1] => 175947
                            [2] => 175948
                            [3] => 175949
                            [4] => 175950
                            [5] => 175951
                            [6] => 175952

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175979
                            [2] => 175963
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175946
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175946
                                            [usage_id] => 17



                    [wc_id] => 251255
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 26
                                    [article_id] => 175946
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 33
                                    [article_id] => 175946
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 40
                                    [article_id] => 175946
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Transpirable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Breathable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 197
                                    [article_id] => 175946
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 204
                                    [article_id] => 175946
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 5
                                    [valor_en] => 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 211
                                    [article_id] => 175946
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175979
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => CAMELIA 45 x 45cm 01
                    [slug] => camelia-45-x-45cm/01/SKU-175979
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 45x45 - 01/CAMELIA 45x45 - 01.jpg
                    [miniature] => 45x45 - 01/CAMELIA 45x45 - 01.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 45x45 - 01/CAMELIA 45x45 - 01.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 45x45 - 01/CAMELIA 45x45 - 01.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6847
                                    [image] => 45x45 - 01/CAMELIA 45x45 - 01.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 45x45 - 01/CAMELIA 45x45 - 01.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6848
                                    [image] => 45x45 - 01/CAMELIA 45x45 - 01 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 45x45 - 01/CAMELIA 45x45 - 01 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6849
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11251.jpg
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11251.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759792
                    [color] => 01
                    [size] => 45x45 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 1070
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 177
                            [simcarasc] => ±
                            [simcar] => ±
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low dry 40º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_40_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP FR
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13734
                    [custom_tariff] => 94049090
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175946
                            [8] => 175947
                            [9] => 175948
                            [10] => 175949
                            [11] => 175950

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175979
                            [1] => 175980
                            [2] => 175981
                            [3] => 175982
                            [4] => 175983
                            [5] => 175984
                            [6] => 175985
                            [7] => 175986

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175946
                            [2] => 175963
                            [3] => 175842
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175979
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175979
                                            [usage_id] => 17


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 18
                                    [description_es] => CONTRACT
                                    [description_en] => CONTRACT
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/contract.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175979
                                            [usage_id] => 18



                    [wc_id] => 251379
                    [martindale] => 50000
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                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 46
                                    [article_id] => 175979
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                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Bacteria resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 54
                                    [article_id] => 175979
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 62
                                    [article_id] => 175979
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 217
                                    [article_id] => 175979
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 225
                                    [article_id] => 175979
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 233
                                    [article_id] => 175979
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4
                                    [valor_en] => 4
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175842
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => MARELLE 50 x 50cm 00
                    [slug] => marelle-50-x-50cm/00/SKU-175842
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 50x50 - 00/MARELLE 50x50 - 00.jpg
                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 00/MARELLE 50x50 - 00.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 00/MARELLE 50x50 - 00.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 00/MARELLE 50x50 - 00.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6725
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 00/MARELLE 50x50 - 00.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 00/MARELLE 50x50 - 00.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6726
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 00/MARELLE 50x50 - 00 details.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 00/MARELLE 50x50 - 00 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6727
                                    [image] => Resolution/BJ6A0782-2.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/BJ6A0782-2.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001758429
                    [color] => 00
                    [size] => 50x50 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 1350
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13735
                    [custom_tariff] => 94049090
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175946
                            [8] => 175947
                            [9] => 175948
                            [10] => 175949
                            [11] => 175950

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175842
                            [1] => 175871
                            [2] => 175872
                            [3] => 175873
                            [4] => 175874
                            [5] => 175875
                            [6] => 175880

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175946
                            [2] => 175979
                            [3] => 175963
                            [4] => 175908
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175842
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175842
                                            [usage_id] => 17



                    [wc_id] => 252260
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 1
                                    [article_id] => 175842
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [article_id] => 175842
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 15
                                    [article_id] => 175842
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Transpirable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Breathable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 262
                                    [article_id] => 175842
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 269
                                    [article_id] => 175842
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 5
                                    [valor_en] => 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 276
                                    [article_id] => 175842
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175908
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => MARELLE 60 x 40cm 00
                    [slug] => marelle-60-x-40cm/00/SKU-175908
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 60x40 - 00/MARELLE 60x40 - 00.jpg
                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 00/MARELLE 60x40 - 00.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 00/MARELLE 60x40 - 00.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 00/MARELLE 60x40 - 00.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6767
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 00/MARELLE 60x40 - 00.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 00/MARELLE 60x40 - 00.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6768
                                    [image] => 60x40 - 00/MARELLE 60x40 - 00 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 60x40 - 00/MARELLE 60x40 - 00 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6769
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11266.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759082
                    [color] => 00
                    [size] => 60x40 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 1350
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13735
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                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175946
                            [8] => 175947
                            [9] => 175948
                            [10] => 175949
                            [11] => 175950

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175908
                            [1] => 175909
                            [2] => 175910
                            [3] => 175911
                            [4] => 175912
                            [5] => 175913
                            [6] => 175914

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175946
                            [2] => 175979
                            [3] => 175963
                            [4] => 175842
                            [5] => 175931
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175908
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175908
                                            [usage_id] => 17



                    [wc_id] => 252281
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 92
                                    [article_id] => 175908
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 99
                                    [article_id] => 175908
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 106
                                    [article_id] => 175908
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Transpirable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Breathable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 284
                                    [article_id] => 175908
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 291
                                    [article_id] => 175908
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 5
                                    [valor_en] => 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 298
                                    [article_id] => 175908
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175931
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => MARELLE 60 x 60cm 00
                    [slug] => marelle-60-x-60cm/00/SKU-175931
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 60x60 - 00/MARELLE 60x60 - 00.jpg
                    [miniature] => 60x60 - 00/MARELLE 60x60 - 00.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 60x60 - 00/MARELLE 60x60 - 00.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 60x60 - 00/MARELLE 60x60 - 00.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6788
                                    [image] => 60x60 - 00/MARELLE 60x60 - 00.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 60x60 - 00/MARELLE 60x60 - 00.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6789
                                    [image] => 60x60 - 00/MARELLE 60x60 - 00 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 60x60 - 00/MARELLE 60x60 - 00 details.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759310
                    [color] => 00
                    [size] => 60x60 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 1950
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
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                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175946
                            [8] => 175947
                            [9] => 175948
                            [10] => 175949
                            [11] => 175950

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175931
                            [1] => 175932
                            [2] => 175933
                            [3] => 175934
                            [4] => 175935
                            [5] => 175936
                            [6] => 175937

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175946
                            [2] => 175979
                            [3] => 175963
                            [4] => 175842
                            [5] => 175908
                            [6] => 175994
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175931
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175931
                                            [usage_id] => 17



                    [wc_id] => 252302
                    [martindale] => 50000
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                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 155
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                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 162
                                    [article_id] => 175931
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 169
                                    [article_id] => 175931
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Transpirable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Breathable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 308
                                    [article_id] => 175931
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 315
                                    [article_id] => 175931
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 5
                                    [valor_en] => 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 322
                                    [article_id] => 175931
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [6] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175994
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => TROPIC 50 x 50cm 03
                    [slug] => tropic-50-x-50cm/03/SKU-175994
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 50x50 - 03/TROPIC 50x50 - 03.jpg
                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 03/TROPIC 50x50 - 03.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 03/TROPIC 50x50 - 03.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 03/TROPIC 50x50 - 03.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6872
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 03/TROPIC 50x50 - 03.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 03/TROPIC 50x50 - 03.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6873
                                    [image] => 50x50 - 03/TROPIC 50x50 - 03 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 50x50 - 03/TROPIC 50x50 - 03 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6874
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11279.jpg
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11279.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759945
                    [color] => 03
                    [size] => 50x50 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 1350
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13748
                    [custom_tariff] => 94049090
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175946
                            [8] => 175947
                            [9] => 175948
                            [10] => 175949
                            [11] => 175950

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175994
                            [1] => 175995
                            [2] => 175996

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175946
                            [2] => 175979
                            [3] => 175963
                            [4] => 175842
                            [5] => 175908
                            [6] => 175931
                            [7] => 175997

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175994
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175994
                                            [usage_id] => 17



                    [wc_id] => 252841
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 112
                                    [article_id] => 175994
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 115
                                    [article_id] => 175994
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 118
                                    [article_id] => 175994
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Transpirable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Breathable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 325
                                    [article_id] => 175994
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 328
                                    [article_id] => 175994
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 5
                                    [valor_en] => 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 331
                                    [article_id] => 175994
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg


            [7] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 351
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 175997
                    [type_id] => 49
                    [brand_id] => 5
                    [brand_name] => LIZZO
                    [collection_id] => 203066
                    [description] => TROPIC 60 x 60cm 03
                    [slug] => tropic-60-x-60cm/03/SKU-175997
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 60x60 - 03/TROPIC 60x60 - 03.jpg
                    [miniature] => 60x60 - 03/TROPIC 60x60 - 03.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => 60x60 - 03/TROPIC 60x60 - 03.jpg
                                    [miniature] => 60x60 - 03/TROPIC 60x60 - 03.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6881
                                    [image] => 60x60 - 03/TROPIC 60x60 - 03.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 60x60 - 03/TROPIC 60x60 - 03.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6882
                                    [image] => 60x60 - 03/TROPIC 60x60 - 03 details.jpg/
                                    [miniature] => 60x60 - 03/TROPIC 60x60 - 03 details.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 6883
                                    [image] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11251.jpg
                                    [miniature] => Resolution/AMBIENTE-11251.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001759976
                    [color] => 03
                    [size] => 60x60 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 2335
                    [avg_roll] => 
                    [allow_decimals] => 
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => Unid
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PP
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
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                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175895
                            [2] => 175896
                            [3] => 175897
                            [4] => 175898
                            [5] => 175899
                            [6] => 175900
                            [7] => 175946
                            [8] => 175947
                            [9] => 175948
                            [10] => 175949
                            [11] => 175950

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 175997
                            [1] => 175998
                            [2] => 175999

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 175894
                            [1] => 175946
                            [2] => 175979
                            [3] => 175963
                            [4] => 175842
                            [5] => 175908
                            [6] => 175931
                            [7] => 175994

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 16
                                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175997
                                            [usage_id] => 16


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => 
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 175997
                                            [usage_id] => 17



                    [wc_id] => 252850
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 123
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                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 126
                                    [article_id] => 175997
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 129
                                    [article_id] => 175997
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Transpirable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                                    [valor_es] => SI
                                    [valor_en] => YES
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Breathable EN ISO 11092
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 336
                                    [article_id] => 175997
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 7
                                    [valor_en] => 7
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 339
                                    [article_id] => 175997
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 5
                                    [valor_en] => 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 342
                                    [article_id] => 175997
                                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 49
                            [name] => Accesorios
                            [slug] => accesorios

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 351
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203066
                            [brand_id] => 5
                            [brand_name] => LIZZO
                            [description] => CUSHIONS
                            [slug] => cushions
                            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CUSHIONS_m.jpg



    [memo] => 
    [usage_recommendation] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 16
                    [description_es] => INDOOR
                    [description_en] => INDOOR
                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/indoor.png
                    [ilavado_char] => 
                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                            [article_id] => 175970
                            [usage_id] => 16


            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 17
                    [description_es] => OUTDOOR
                    [description_en] => OUTDOOR
                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/outdoor.png
                    [ilavado_char] => 
                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                            [article_id] => 175970
                            [usage_id] => 17


            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 18
                    [description_es] => CONTRACT
                    [description_en] => CONTRACT
                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/contract.png
                    [ilavado_char] => 
                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                            [article_id] => 175970
                            [usage_id] => 18



    [wc_id] => 251426
    [martindale] => 50000
    [characteristics] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 69
                    [article_id] => 175970
                    [caracteristica_es] => Antibacterias
                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                    [valor_es] => SI
                    [valor_en] => YES
                    [caracteristica_en] => Bacteria resistant
                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 77
                    [article_id] => 175970
                    [caracteristica_es] => Antiácaros
                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                    [valor_es] => SI
                    [valor_en] => YES
                    [caracteristica_en] => Mite resistant
                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 85
                    [article_id] => 175970
                    [caracteristica_es] => Antimoho
                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Características especiales
                    [valor_es] => SI
                    [valor_en] => YES
                    [caracteristica_en] => Mould resistant
                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Special features

            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 240
                    [article_id] => 175970
                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                    [valor_es] => 7
                    [valor_en] => 7
                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to light EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.2
                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 248
                    [article_id] => 175970
                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B02	
                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                    [valor_es] => 4 - 5
                    [valor_en] => 4 - 5
                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to sea water EN ISO 105-B02
                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness

            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 256
                    [article_id] => 175970
                    [caracteristica_es] => Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E03
                    [tipo_caracteristica_es] => Solidez de los colores
                    [valor_es] => 4
                    [valor_en] => 4
                    [caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness to chlorinated water EN ISO 105-E03
                    [tipo_caracteristica_en] => Colour fastness


    [type] => stdClass Object
            [sync_id] => 351
            [lang] => es
            [type_id] => 49
            [name] => Accesorios
            [slug] => accesorios

    [collection] => stdClass Object
            [sync_id] => 351
            [lang] => es
            [collection_id] => 203066
            [brand_id] => 5
            [brand_name] => LIZZO
            [description] => CUSHIONS
            [slug] => cushions
            [image] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CUSHIONS.jpg

Uso recomendadoINDOOR,
Solidez a la luz EN ISO 105-B02 T.M.27
Solidez al agua marina EN ISO 105-B024 - 5
Solidez al agua clorada EN ISO 105-E034
Lavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducidaLavar Maxímo 40º agit.reducida
No Lavar con HipocloritosNo Lavar con Hipocloritos
No PlancharNo Planchar
No lavar secoNo lavar seco
No CentrifugarNo Centrifugar
Buscar Retailer Buscar Retailer

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